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Everything posted by Sunnysoul

  1. Is Vernon still in the land of the living?
  2. As a matter of fact, I'm in the "positive" corner with you and Mikey. I sincerely hope it'll be a world wide smash and have literally millions turning on to soul music and turning up to northern soul gigs all over the world !
  3. Realistically, does anybody believe that this film, no matter how well made and meritorious it may be, at best will do anything other than achieve mid level box office sales in the UK, possibly in time even win a "minor" British film award or two for costume or screen play or such like, and do reasonable business later on as a cult movie with home video sales/downloads? And in the US? Hardly likely to even raise an eyebrow, wouldn't you think? Can't see millions flocking to theatres in the US to turn this movie into a box office blockbuster like Fame or Flashdance , do you? One suspects that, because of the very Britishness of the subject matter, Americans simply won't "get it' ... just like they never "got" The Jam, for example.
  4. A deliberate mis-nomer. Obviously released for the Beach Music scene. Another example is the "Lew Curtan Revue" release. To avoid a slap on the wrist from the rights owners !
  5. " highly commercial pop written with children in mind " ... you mean just like Johnny Caswell, Beverly Anne, Holly St James, Paul Anka ... ?
  6. Much like Raphael Saadiq (and Tony Toni Tone) from the 80s/90s whose work I never really cared for until he discovered where the good grooves really are in recent years...
  7. Amazing how many members on here are literally willing this movie to fail .
  8. The New Holidays .... fantastic record ... both sides
  9. Her voice is very thin and reedy , lacking in substance and depth, just another poppette like Joss Stone, Duffy, Amy Winehouse trying very hard to sound black, isn't she?
  10. Great to see a photo of the group because their LP covers don't give much away !!!
  11. Unquestionably one of the most collectable of all Australian soul releases. So rare. Condition VG+. 95 UK GBP. Postage is 5 UK GBP from Australia. First in. Be quick !
  12. Has someone reactivated this ? https://www.ebay.com.au/itm/321318964517?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1438.l2649 Winning bid: US $224.50 [ 26 bids ]
  13. Looking to get both on 7" vinyl - Real Side. Thanks
  14. Graham Bond might have been a jazz/rhythm and blues purist with a pure heart and pure intentions in terms of his music but it would be naive to think that he made records for any other reason but to sell them ... and sell loads of them ... on the pop charts ... no matter how unrealistic that might have been in his particular case.
  15. Nice to see it on Stateside but the very first original US issue on Party Time is very nice too.
  16. which is the more well known of the two takes ?
  17. need to bump and hustle this - anyone have one - surely must be someone ?

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