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Everything posted by Sunnysoul

  1. And the Herb Ward was only G+ condition !!!
  2. Early on did Winstanley and Searling do alternate sets of one hour each or did they just play it by ear as the night went on ? And did Winstanley suddenly decide in mid '74 to put more DJs on ... or did he just add one here and there to the roster as the year progressed?
  3. As I understand it, the major venues of the first decade of the northern scene - Wheel , Mecca , Torch , Catacombs - never had more than two or three DJs handling the record duties for the whole night. Early days at Wigan it was Winstanley, Searling and Roberts . So at what point in its life did Wigan - and other allnighters for that matter - evolve into having seven or eight or more DJs playing an hour each over the course of the night ?
  4. Why have you removed the prices from the sold items ?
  5. not to mention the irony in the fact that Richard's new show on Solar Radio is immediately preceded by Jazzie B's program whose comments in the past about the northern soul scene have provoked some raising of eyebrows ...
  6. The fade outs on I'm So Glad were definitely intended by the producer. One listen to the whole LP and it is obvious that the LP was conceived as a soul "operetta" of sorts with brief musical and spoken interludes between the main tracks. Quite groundbreaking for the time although neither the LP nor the group have been given anywhere near the recognition they deserve. They really were a talented group of girls and the LP is listenable throughout.
  7. Now now son, don't inflate the man's ego ... lol !!!
  8. So ... soul music record collectors have a moral duty to act in such a manner so as not to devalue the record collections of other soul music record collectors ? What an interesting concept !
  9. Thanks. I just checked their website as well. Eric Grant has been with them since 1995, so not exactly a recent member . Cheers.
  10. The current line up is Eddie Levert, Walter Williams and .... ?
  11. https://www.ebay.com.au/itm/121352327738?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1438.l2649 https://www.ebay.com.au/itm/121352327738?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1438.l2649
  12. Yes, my understanding is it was released on an issue 45.
  13. Hi everyone Already have the LP but would like the 45 please. Thanks
  14. I know the feeling ... that is exactly how my original Soul Brothers Inc "Pyramid" 45 arrived some years ago ...
  15. And it's CP Spencer on lead vocal, isn't it ?
  16. which is the very essence of this scene, isn't it?
  17. Robb , I don't for one second doubt your immense knowledge and experience but I have always had a problem accepting the often repeated part of the story that Berry Gordy recalled all existing copies of records like Frank Wilson and Andantes and then ordered them to be destroyed. I'm not trying to be facetious here but ... are we seriously suggesting that Berry ordered a junior intern to go to the trouble of going outside with a sledgehammer and literally pounding them all into a thousand pieces ? Surely it would have been easier to just throw them in the trash, or just tell the distributor to do so? If by chance, by some huge miracle , a copy found its way into the hands of a popular local Detroit DJ who then played it on the radio and then started getting calls from listeners on it , Berry Gordy could still just as easily kill the record in an instant anyway by simply not pressing it up for commercial release. But, as I say, I bow to your great knowledge and experience and would be happy to be corrected by you.
  18. Yes Bob, it is indeed Dick Clark's voice. He created Where The Action Is as a spin off of American Bandstand. However he never appeared in person on the show although he did the voice overs to introduce the artists clips .
  19. Walter Jackson is an artist who is very dear to the hearts of so many soul fans and in particular many on here. The search for some film footage of the man had come up with nothing for so long but finally came across this. Here he is from 18 August 1965 on US TV show ' Where The Action Is ' performing his classic ' Welcome Home ' :

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