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Everything posted by Hambostein

  1. Why has nobody posted this yet ? Be Cool Be Calm (And Keep Yourself Together) from the Down to Earth LP Has to be one of the most exciting tracks ever !! Stevie Wonder - Be Cool etc.
  2. Will someone post up an instrumental track just to wind us all up ??
  3. Well keep it open, this is probably the bester than the last one, : Mitch Ryder Breakout !! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=akp-WE7r-zI
  4. Here it is, can't be beaten as an intro, close this thread NOW !! (5) Julien Covay - A little Bit Hurt ( Northern Soul Stomper ) - YouTube
  5. After reading that I haven't got an effing clue who this bricomaligno is .... I did my usual thing of jumping to conclusions, bragging about stuff, realising I was talking Sturrock's, then feeling all embarrassed about things I thought he was a DJ from up t'north ....
  6. I'm pretty sure I know who he is, and he has a banging record collection, and is very knowledgeable about the more obscure stuff. That's the only clues I'm giving out ....
  7. Good to hear you're well Lorraine, still remember those fantastic shows you did at Stafford Top Of The World, they are some of my most heart warming memories ever. In fact I'm smiling to myself right now thinking about them, lovely times and a big thanks to you for them. You take care now and please keep us 'in the mix' as you Yanks say, love reading your posts. Love and Peace Nick
  8. Always liked this as well, not too sure if it was ever played out though https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CIPUhB7kRiY
  9. and this is one of me favourites https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nRlr8l3lJjA
  10. what about this ...https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6P0smsdQaz8 does it for me, and it was the B side to Why (Must We Fall In Love) ..........
  11. that youtube video for Johnny Jones is the canines knackers !! .... love it and it must be the first time I've listened to that track this century, one of the first records I ever aquired, 1972 ish I think, but still got it and suprisingly I think it still plays ... ?!?!? was well beat up when I got me hands on it, and I can't say I've treated it with that much respect over the years I was amazed how clear the sound on the youtube vid is .... have to dig my copy out and try and make out the tune & lyrics over all the crackles and pops ........
  12. Graham Central Station .... Feel The Need In Me ..... haven't heard that for years ... now THAT is a stomper !! and it used to go on for a long, long time as well ...
  13. Hi Des, 60's MID TEMPO/BEAT BALLAD PACK & THIS 60's DANCERS No. 2 PACK STILL AVAILABLE are these still up for grabs ?? if so let me know where to send the dosh and I'll get it to you... Cheers Nick
  14. Hang on a minute !! Has everyone forgot Russ's favourite band the awesome "Wigans Ovation" and the sublime "Skiing In The Snow" ?!?!?!? What the hell is wrong with you people ?? oh hang on that was after 1973 wasn't it? sorry about that everyone, just carry on and ignore me..........

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