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Everything posted by Bleep

  1. i think there was 500 pressed thanks phil
  2. Sorry mate Ashton under Lyne Mr manchester thanks phil
  3. b and soul from 1971 217 copies black music 35 copies from 1974 manifesto 41 copies from 94 togetherness 16 copies with 12 cd s that went with mags ofers for the lot buyer pics up thanks for looking phil
  4. thanks mate the ones ive seen are boots dif artist on the other side
  5. Has man without a woman ever been booted on rca demo thanks phil
  6. Thanks mate thought it was but not sure
  7. Just a quick. Q has the Oxford nights I'm such a lonely one ever been booted thanks bleep
  8. nice one nick never thought I see a copy
  9. biddu orchestra exodus played at wigan m s packed floor
  10. black music no 1 a bit battered no 4 no cover 5 11 12 ok all from 75 all from 76 blues and soul got 2 early num 60 and 52 all from 102 thanks phil
  11. blues and soul 219 copies black music 36 copies manifesto 39 copies togetherness14 copies collection only offers thanks phil ashton u lyne
  12. hi contempo brought a major lances greatests hits lp out whitch was the live lp with another cover
  13. how mutch for a copy of guitar red share your love mod art thanks phil
  14. i hhink its a boot mate orig on styrene
  15. just a q how mutch would it cost me for a copy of joe valentine i lost the only love thanks phil
  16. when did the scene die itsjust as strong as ever if not stronger
  17. nice tune by ms tunes
  18. went to drylsdon a lot can remember modern spots but no house last houre did not drink the water though
  19. how can the groovesville be orig when ilegal it has to be contempo
  20. blues soul 71 to 78 143 coppies black music 73 77 36 coppies togetherness 10 coppies manifesto 30 coppies offers buyer collects
  21. mick what no 45 s/ on soul mission records no sm005 me thinks its a boot bleep
  22. where do i send them to

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