The Casino '76. Just when the underground scene was gaining some attention from the mainstream. All us new comers at the time were looked down on by the old faithful thinking we were jumping on the band waggon (as some new comers were). Funny a lot of the then old school are no longer around
I like to think I treat newbies to the scene today much better than we were treated back then.
Regulars from Blackpool then included Helen Pickup, Tony Giddings, Baz Diamond, Col and Graham McGarry, their older brother Mick, Mark Ridgeway, Mick and Barbera Taylor, Dill (Richard Lang), Sharron Farrah, Sue Ingham, Glen Foster, Baz Stanton.
Back in them days you could get the 12:20 from Blackpool north and it went straight through no need to change at Preston and by the time you got to the doors of the Casino you could almost walk straight in.