The sound of a record you didn't know hitting you like a tornado carrying you off and depositing you in a world that is forever changed, richer, more colourful and an altogether better place to be (or it will be when you finaly get hold of a copy).
The tingle up your spine, the hair standing up on the back of your neck, the goosepimples on your arms from the sound of that long forgotten tune you just loved way back when the world was young and everything in it was, for you at least, a new discovery.
The adrenelin hit as you hear the package thud on the doormat as you career down the stairs, the anticipation whilst wondering which one will it be?
The look, the feel, the smell of 60's vinyl.
The first notes, crafted so long ago but designed to hook you and boy have they, as they excellerate out of the Mission 820's as the tone-arm lowers onto your own personal holy grail you've waited 30 years to own.