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Ged Parker

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Everything posted by Ged Parker

  1. Court Davis - Try To Think (What You're Doing) - East Coast If you have to ask why your ears must be painted on.
  2. Great tune this. Interestingly Eddie Singleton tells the story of playing this to himself over and over as a new release after a row and a brief split from Miss Ray apparently it also helped win her back.
  3. No Tony they are both Nashville matrix stamped but the order of this stamp the 'ARP' stamp and the matix number change.
  4. Yes there are two mixes on the release John discovered a difference early last year. You cloearly here the difference if you pplay them one after another but I defy anyone to know by just hearing one at a venue. He now lists them in his price guide at substantialy different prices. The deadwax markings are different but cant be precise from memory. The one that John now calls the "1st Mix" has the wrong matrix number scratched out - this number is one higher than it should be and is replaced by the 'right' number. I did ask a while back, with no joy, how John could know which was the first mix? IMO if the higher matrix number was added by mistake, then scratched out and lowered by one, this would indicate that this was infact the "second" mix as the person preparing the stampers would have done so by first applying the next available matrix number surely? This implies the one without the scratched out matrix was done first. The detail is in John last price guide but I'm working away from home at the moment so can't check that or my copies. Anyway here are two mixes as well as the white boot. I'm not aware of any with reversed lables though.
  5. Less than £25 would qualify as cheap for me. I'd have loved to see the planned "everything less than £50" allnighter come off. so I guess the planner of this had anything less than £50 as a cheapie in their book.
  6. I'd love to say price doesn't come into it, because it shouldn't, but there is some expectation at some venues that known but still rare records will be played certainly if you judge by the requests you get. Next friday at the Bitter Suite in Preston I'll be trying to play things few people know whatever the price. The following Saturday at Thorton Social Club in the 'rare' room, with the line up, some one-up-manship is bound to be on the cards but that won't stop me playing a couple of $5 unknowns (no doubt only to told how common they are and who played them first and where ).
  7. Some make a enough but don't earn it. Some earn it but don't get it. IMO all DJ's should be paid more but I also think good venues should be charging £20 to get in. We used to put on three rooms at the Winter Gardens for £6, and when I say three rooms I mean three ballrooms the smallest had a capacity of over 400 , and people complained about paying £6. The reality is the fee for DJs and the entrance fee are two sides of the same coin
  8. I'm almost sure that there is at least one legitimate release with the small '45' logo on Okeh can't for the life of me think what it is at the moment. This clearly has the large '45' though and looks legit mine is vinyl too from memory.
  9. Good luck in your search Davie but it took me nearly 3 years to get one and then when I played it no one danced I did manage to pick it up for $8 though
  10. I have no idea It has the power to make me want to dance at 5 am, to sing in the car, to cry at the down right pain of a whistful vocal, to drive 250 miles to hear something new, why that is, as I say I have no idea. I just know that it does and am glad that it does.
  11. As good as the Romance Watson IMO
  12. The Condors - "Let me Down Easy" is just an impossible dream I'm afraid
  13. You're not serious are you Baz. Anti smoking campaigners have nothing to gain from people stoping smoking. Some people just like interfering. The tobacco firms are a little different I suspect. They are now actively pursuing new markets in the developing world but I'm sure its just because they are in favour of free choice. Yes, that third world exploitation and impending health crisis is entirely the fault of those who have destroyed the western markets for tobacco. The NHS may only spend 2/3rds of the tax raised on tobacco on treating smokers (I suspect it is less BTW) but what about the amount it spends on treating non smokers, including children, with smoking related deseases. I'd assumed that it was included in the 30% of tobacco revenue costs but you may be correct. As for who is responsible for what propoganda, Roy Castle is often trotted out as a victim of tobacco smoke but in fact died of a cancer unrelated to smoking. Stick that in your pipe and smoke it. Was standing in Gatwick havnig a fag, my flight having been delayed for two hours, and wondering what the hell I was going to do when smoking is banned? I don't like flying that much, usually need a pint and a few smokes before getting on the plane, suspect that I'll be avoiding too much travel now. Not that there is any reason for getting rid of segregated airport smoking areas, is there? Not like anyone works in them or the smoke isn't abstracted away from other people. Fascism, thats what it is. No smoking on station platforms either, how is that justified? :angry: Stuart it was Baz that said it was 30% like I said I think its less than that just for smokers ailments. I didn't include the 30 million plus work days related to smoking related illness and the cost to industry. I also didn't include the cost in human life, it will be of no suprise to you I'm sure that this has been calculated, a single life in economic terms comes in acording to the DoT at some £680k so around £80bn per year in lost human potential. What is clear to me is my aunt died in a house fire due to dropping a lit cigarette, my dad died at 49 from cronary thrombosis and coronary arterial schlerosis having smoked since the age of 8 and right through a professional boxing career. As I said earlier I was against the ban and actively fought against it within my own company but that is because I think people should be free to choose. Venues need to addrss the issue for punters but the ban is here and like the assault on the country's drivers were all gonna have to live with it.
  14. You're not serious are you Baz. Anti smoking campaigners have nothing to gain from people stoping smoking. The tobacco firms are a little different I suspect. They are now actively pursuing new markets in the developing world but I'm sure its just because they are in favour of free choice. The NHS may only spend 2/3rds of the tax raised on tobacco on treating smokers (I suspect it is less BTW) but what about the amount it spends on treating non smokers, including children, with smoking related deseases. I am not a raging anti smoker, in fact I sucessfully managed to get our company's new (anti) smoking policy scrapped because it was, in my view un neccessarily restrictive, but I do know business and if you swallow the lines spewed out by Ken Clark and his like you are at best deluded.
  15. Last Saturday emptied the floor with the Martells - Where Can My Baby Be Always best to remeber in these situations - You can't educate pork; only cure it.
  16. 70's magic? was expecting a youtube clip of David Nixon
  17. No that's an original. Mine came in company sleeve same lable design as that.
  18. I admit to owning three of the five you mention . What can I say I was young and impressionable they have memories of a point in time for me and I never sell a record unless I have two copies so although I can't see me ever playing them again I'll be hanging on to them.
  19. Does that mean I get my meagre pittance now
  20. Nothing wrong with the quality but I don't think Tony Jebb ever played a record all the way through. . I think we have all played things that were not quite right for the mood or the night or they were just not known by the crowd. I've emptied the floor, well virtually, with the Vondells, Mixed Feelings, Gwen Douglas and even Frances Nero with an oldies crowd but cut them short? Never.
  21. To me it's more about the design than the cleanliness, style / age of decor. Ballrooms make the best venues for soul events especially nighters. The dancefloor should be the focal point. It should be big and wide and made of maple. The seating should be arranged to focus on the dancefloor and not split up into booths more remeniscent of an 80's night club. A venue with the right design can be dusty, tired, poorly decorated, but one with poor design even if super clean and upto date decor wise will not make a suitable venue. Music wise it appears, much to my constenation, most people want the lowest common denominator. They like particular records rather than a style of music despite what they may say.
  22. A bad thing obviously - the media are only interested in selling papers or advertising between their programming the truth is irrelevant to them so why would they spend any time or effort in getting things right. Whats more if it could be spun to sensationalise the 'odd', 'quirky', 'seedy', 'retro', 'dark' etc side of the scene it would be. There are enough places to find out what rare soul is all about not least of which are the numerous venues playing it every week. The scene is for experiencing and the music is for hearing not reading lies and half truths about.
  23. I see you have both posed and answered the question in your post Steve
  24. When someone furnishes the definative answer to this question I'd be glad to read it Though clearly as a rational member of the human race I will not be buying the Daily Mail (or any other newspaper for that matter) to access the answer.

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