You're not serious are you Baz. Anti smoking campaigners have nothing to gain from people stoping smoking.
Some people just like interfering.
The tobacco firms are a little different I suspect. They are now actively pursuing new markets in the developing world but I'm sure its just because they are in favour of free choice.
Yes, that third world exploitation and impending health crisis is entirely the fault of those who have destroyed the western markets for tobacco.
The NHS may only spend 2/3rds of the tax raised on tobacco on treating smokers (I suspect it is less BTW) but what about the amount it spends on treating non smokers, including children, with smoking related deseases.
I'd assumed that it was included in the 30% of tobacco revenue costs but you may be correct.
As for who is responsible for what propoganda, Roy Castle is often trotted out as a victim of tobacco smoke but in fact died of a cancer unrelated to smoking. Stick that in your pipe and smoke it. Was standing in Gatwick havnig a fag, my flight having been delayed for two hours, and wondering what the hell I was going to do when smoking is banned? I don't like flying that much, usually need a pint and a few smokes before getting on the plane, suspect that I'll be avoiding too much travel now. Not that there is any reason for getting rid of segregated airport smoking areas, is there? Not like anyone works in them or the smoke isn't abstracted away from other people. Fascism, thats what it is. No smoking on station platforms either, how is that justified? :angry:
Stuart it was Baz that said it was 30% like I said I think its less than that just for smokers ailments.
I didn't include the 30 million plus work days related to smoking related illness and the cost to industry.
I also didn't include the cost in human life, it will be of no suprise to you I'm sure that this has been calculated, a single life in economic terms comes in acording to the DoT at some £680k so around £80bn per year in lost human potential. What is clear to me is my aunt died in a house fire due to dropping a lit cigarette, my dad died at 49 from cronary thrombosis and coronary arterial schlerosis having smoked since the age of 8 and right through a professional boxing career.
As I said earlier I was against the ban and actively fought against it within my own company but that is because I think people should be free to choose.
Venues need to addrss the issue for punters but the ban is here and like the assault on the country's drivers were all gonna have to live with it.