"I put a mate on to that,the next day he walked on to a car boot sale and found a copy,good eh?..goes really well with Dan Folger"the way of the crowd"I find.
Dave Evison's Signal radio show,weekly guest spots,top sixes,a comprehensive whats on section,venue specials,Ritz,Mecca,Cleethorpes segment.Great balance,genial Dave in the chair..give me good radio over tv anyday.
Good luck with Bob Soprano,gonna be huge one day is that.Carl Fortnum had it covered as Tony Middleton,spoke to him at"grumpy soul"recently,said he had a couple for sale.Great 45.
"Before you ask for respect,check and see if you've given yourself what you're trying to get",take time out to look at yourself,you don't need nobody's help,you can stand alone"..then follows one of the most complete pieces of black music ever committed to vinyl,Sam Dees"what's it gonna be"
Very true,instrumentals seldom match the vocal for quality,another that does I think is the Fi Dels"try a little harder"inst..strings and things more than making up for the lack of a vocal.
I only have it on a radio edit from when Shifty was a guest on Richard Searlings prog,he played it as Des O Connor!,Carl later played it as Tony Middleton,anyone got a full soundclip for download?
An absolute killer track on Musicor(new talent)which Carl Fortnum is currently featuring is Bob Soprano"hey girls",out and out northern,definately worth a look.
Playing a mid tempo hip hop/RnB type track sounding similar to Rick James.Its on an old Andy Davies Solar radio prog from around 10 yrs ago,a real atmospheric feel with the hookline"I just don't understand",any ideas folks?