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Everything posted by Chas

  1. At a soul charity event for alzheimers some time back, a chap with a megaphone at the pre event rally... 'what do we want?..' we don't know!.. 'when do we want it?..' want what? '.
  2. Didn't Tommy Ridgeley see the light of day at Wigan? Maybe in the latter stages.
  3. Check the website below, a mine of information.
  4. He was playing this little ditty around the same time, under the guise of Des O Connor. It emerged some time later covered by Carl Fortnum as Tony Middleton, superb track for the dance floors.
  5. Not forgetting Eddie Rey.
  6. Tough call between his original 'till you come back to me' and this killer, straight from the intro you can almost hear the waves lapping onto the beach of your desert Isle.
  7. Quality 45 from those guys,as good as anything coming from the U.S. at the time,a real beauty.
  8. Buster Jones,"they used to call me a baby boy,cause I played with my choo choo toy" a great mid tempo track ruined at the opening line.
  9. Eileen's gonna check visiting times later,I'll post them up for everyone on here..if anything's gonna help you make a speedy recovery,that thought will! Just imagine..no don't. Charlie.
  10. The guy with the bag starts sorting everyone out,fast forward 10 minutes and the place is rammed!
  11. Chas

    Bunny Sigler R I P

    Killer from the man.
  12. A superb track and a contradiction in terms,never was 'elusive',goes to show they don't all have to be,imagine if it was though!.
  13. Would recommend this bit of light reading,all the multinational's given a good going over.
  14. Eugene Record was also dangled when he went to collect monies owing,not a good idea with hindsight.
  15. A minefield of a topic is this Gilly, Jimi Hendrix,same backing as the fabulous George Scott 'I'm a fool for you'.Hi to you and your lovely lady from Eileen and myself.
  16. Some real desert island discs here,you can actually hear the waves lapping onto the beach if you listen carefully!..could've been the cistern in our room come to think of it!
  17. Wouldn't have thought it high profile enough for the bootleggers,Fabulous 45 for now though isn't it?
  18. Vic Marcel,just how good is that? Fabulous track.
  19. Didn't think the modern crowd were ever up for all nighters..living and learning.
  20. At the rate these are coming,you're gonna have to change title to 'now that's what I call 70's/crossover'!
  21. The Dells 'make sure' brings a tear to everyone's eyes,even the glass ones.
  22. Shame about your health issues,gotta stay positive though.Have they said whether your spelling will get any better?
  23. If it does it for you,don't fight it,like most things it was right for the time and will be a great memory track for a lot of folk.That vocal's as good as any,great intro and tempo so what's not to like? When you put it in perspective it's easy to see why it was so popular.Round robin ' kick that little foot Sally Ann' huge 45 for most of the duration of the Wheel,baffling that but in perspective? Like the man said,'when music hits you, you feel no pain'.Unlike what James Brown said..'Hair is the first thing and teeth is the second,hair and teeth,a man got those things,he's got the lot'.

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