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Everything posted by Chas

  1. Not Ray Agee is it?
  2. This chap has a similar issue, the ceramic subs apparently have the coating.
  3. Apparently it's down to wearing of the anti reflective coating and not as rare as you'd think. Just wondered if any of you folks had come across it?
  4. Anyone had issues with staining on sapphire crystal?. I have slight staining on my sub, it's hardly noticeable but you know how it is, once you've seen it, it's more obvious.
  5. Yep, been around a while that album but you're spot on, I've never come across it on any format, not even via the old tape swapping!.. Bizzarre.
  6. Strings and things, and the killer sax more than make up for the lack of a vocal. Maybe my all time favourite inst.. Beautiful!
  7. Superb interview, complete with the obligatory barbed comments to put certain people's noses out of joint. We should however, be thick skinned enough by now to handle it, great job by Richard too, steering the interview in a great authoritative manner. Excellent stuff.
  8. Shocking news, last time i saw you two was 'Sheridans' when i was with Eileen, some time ago. Always good with the banter, information, and of course the Xmas cards! Another sad loss, hope you're ok Dave, keep your chin up. Charlie.
  9. Killer from Betty, nice Henry Stone connection too.
  10. Richard Pennyman in a flamingo stylee .
  11. Junk box?.. He'll be made up that someone picks up on one of his selections, especially if he put some thought into his set, it's a big compliment.
  12. A desert island disc of the highest order, if prices were set by how they sound, none of us would be able to afford this.. Lyrics, strings and things, perfection.
  13. The 'temple of convenience' was one of Morrisey's favourite haunts apparently. He named it as the place he visits when back in Mancunia, hammered out for weeks after!
  14. Great pics!.. Time travel is that!
  15. Jimmy Saville was the manager of the Mcr Ritz at one time.. 'ows about that then'?
  16. Ritz Manchester in the 70's when the dance floor was raised up, and the 'heart of England soul club' logo was suspended over the middle. You could be stood at the bar and still feel the bounce. The halcyon days when having a 1000 + attendance was the norm.
  17. I purchased a ceramic submariner a couple of years ago, i also follow several YouTube bloggers, Paul Thorpe, Bark and Jack etc, so many reports of attacks in order to steal people's watches it takes a lot of the enjoyment of ownership away. Always wary of surroundings etc when i have it on.
  18. Looking good in that pic, always made me laugh, funny bloke. Sad indeed.
  19. https://youtu.be/b1gfLu9dE9A I seem to remember this as a duet with Jackie on an album of the same name on a small label called 'see for miles' (a subsidiary of 'Charley' records perhaps?) I think you can hear the man on here, so did John Mercer at the Wilton ballroom when he emerged from the gents and said 'what's this Jackie Wilson track'?
  20. Oops! Sausage fingers!.. as i was saying, looking for a good quality upload.
  21. Posted this on the last 'prison thread'.. Still looking for a good quality upload, anyone? https://youtu.be/RrKGnI0UPp0
  22. Killer album track, out and out floorfiller yet so underplayed.
  23. A notification from just after the war providing a chance to rejuvenate this thread. David Porter keeping it on the dark side.
  24. Terribly sad that, one of the friendliest blokes, always smiling.
  25. This sought after track from Sam, album or 45,it matters not when they're this good. Also briefly a killer version of 'a new day begins' by the changing times which has to be heard to be believed!. Strangely going back to Mr Manship after very limited exposure. Mmm.

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