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Everything posted by Chas

  1. Corbett set..well impressed,something for everyone,would've loved to hear Antonio Castro played out,just to see the reaction,great track.
  2. Ooh a bit of culture,splendid stuff.Unfortunately not for knuckle draggers though,but those of us who appreciate the finer things in life applaud it...good arrer!
  3. I've always resisted describing records as"shit,crap,etc,because they all mean something to someone in different ways,reminding folk of people ,places etc.Much prefer to just say I don't like it.
  4. Youza,Youza,Youza!,dont try to resist change,the funk will be in yo face,and we'll all be gittin on down,bustin mooves to dem latest grooves!
  5. Check the you tube video,its like a chimps tea party.think it comes under"the kinettes"
  6. "Way back home"does it for me,super intro and lyrics to die for.
  7. Here we go again,conversation is plummeting...yawn.
  8. Herb Ward"strange change"three notes in and the hairs are up.
  9. Butch has probably eclipsed all the major jocks,and rightly so.Its easy to say Richard was fed by John Anderson but folk throw that old chestnut in as if Richard obeyed orders and played what he was told to.If he didnt rate em,they didnt get played.
  10. Last track played in there..Frankie Valli"the night"...quite apt that.
  11. Shirl matthew and sonny daye"come back to me"is my favourite hidden gem.
  12. An album track only ever heard played once,not met anyone who has it apart from John Britton who walked on to a car boot sale after i put it on cassette for him and found it..Mickey Stevenson"stormy",lesser version on you tube by Johnny Nash.
  13. Lena was one of the last artists signed to the label,shows what state the business must have been in to have made a decision like that.I wonder if Hughie Green was still on a percentage of her earnings at that time?
  14. Worth checking is"the commandments of love"by him,very reminiscent of The Flamingos"i only have eyes for you"
  15. Found one in the rag bin at work around 1978,knew i should have kept it.Massive market for memorabillia these days,and why not!..what next though...flyers?
  16. Super previously unissued gem just on you tube"just enough to ease the pain"will blow your socks off.
  17. Guy had it covered as Freddie Waters"good thing goodbye"played it on Terry Christians key 103 prog,late 80's.
  18. Guy had it covered as Freddie Waters"good thing goodbye"played it on Terry Christians key 103 prog,late 80's.
  19. Wow! Can still remember being gobsmacked as a 15 yr old after hearing"i'm comin home"..and similarly after hearing"look out love"30 yrs later,r.i.p
  20. York main man Ronnie Pedley had that album first and was probably first to air it at a venue,maybe a little longer than 10 years back.It quickly went massive and the clamour to find the album began,just as it did with Jimmy Cobb...but thats another story.
  21. Beefour i whent to wigan i cudnt even spel nothen sole fan,an now i are one.!
  22. Not forgetting the fantastic Bob Soprano'hey girl",covered as Tony Middleton,played by Carl(monster sounds)Fortnum,the man with the vinyl! Made my night.
  23. Played on Richard Searlings prog by Shifty who claims to have discovered it,covered it as Lou Pride.
  24. Sam Dees"whats it gonna be",for me the best soul song ever,with the best opening line,superb production,need i say more?.My top rare soul track to hear at a venue is Emory and the dynamics"things that a lady aint supposed to do",harmonies,beats,breaks,all the right ingredients,and rarity too,so it wont be done to death
  25. Jeez! Saw this by accident,cant believe it,its like the old letters page used to be like in echoes!

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