"Tell your friend its over",fabulous track,similar backing to Gene Redding"I need your loving"a real hidden gem.Could have been recorded at the same session as"room full of tears"its of the same quality.Definately worth a look.
Not sure I agree with cover ups these days,if its rare then play it as a rare sound,no need to deny the artist badly needed exposure..maybe its just me?
Lots of interest in the soul survivors at the moment,the Vontastics sounding nothing like a cheapie...not that I'm on commission you understand..am I ?
"I was born with music inside me,music was one of my parts,like my ribs,kidneys,liver,heart.It was a force already inside me when I arrived on the scene,it was a necessity for me,like food or water"..Ray Charles.
Amazing how something like that can blow your socks off isn't it?.Ther are no superlatives to describe it,wow! It's even getting me on one...gonna have to play it.Made my day to think I've turned someone on to something as good as that.No not got one but not rare,hey! there's one for everyone..lol.