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Everything posted by Chas

  1. Coming thick and fast at the moment, sadly. Great version of Flowers 'for real'
  2. Saw him a few years ago in Manchester, sat at the piano with a slideshow behind him, one of the best live appearances i ever saw. The jaw dropping stories had everyone spellbound, especially when he spoke about Glen Campbell.
  3. Happy birthday Joan, have a lovely day, hi to Tony..see you around hopefully xxx
  4. Tearjerker from the lady
  5. So the 4 from 8 are finally honoured for their contribution to British music, long deserved, particularly for the Amoo brothers.
  6. Jimi Hendrix purple haze "s'cuse me while i kiss this guy"
  7. Only found out today at Carl Willingham's funeral,from Tony Mac, get well soon Mark. Chas.
  8. Not seen Carl or Maria for several years, some fantastic times with them, in the clubs or at their house for the legendary barbecues. One of the real good guys for sure. Thinking of Maria and the family at this sad time. Charlie xx
  9. What a strange combo, Jobell,Andre Maurice and brothers and sisters were huge Ritz, Mecca tunes. Wouldn't expect 'being without you' to be on the same disc.. but hey!!
  10. The other week, Huey Morgan featured this track on his 6 music show, it hit me straight away as maybe something I'd heard at a Sunday afternoon session somewhere, until he back announced it. I do like the track but maybe it's a rabbit hole we shouldn't go down?
  11. https://www.whosampled.com/ A great website for tracking samples, good way to discover new music too.
  12. Tim's "Jesus Christ,is this possible" quote says it all.. game,set and match!
  13. https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/m001nnsq. Stuart Maconie curating a Northern soul section at this year's BBC proms, what to expect from such an extravaganza?..The mind boggles!
  14. Gaetano's at the top of Market St, great early session in a below ground Italian restaurant ran by Tom Smith and Carl Lees around 1977 with regular visits from Rod Shard and Dave Withers. Caroline's was on Tuesdays if i remember correctly, didn't Siz used to work in 'stolen from Ivor's' by the underground market? Druffies? Yes, for me the best from that time, went when i was in the last year of school and realised just how good it was when i got to Wigan and heard the same great sounds in 76. Dave Stubbs, a real nice guy always helpful with information. A pokey venue with the obligatory shady clientele, shit Greenhall Whitley beer and other chemicals on offer.
  15. Name and shame em, then get the moderators on it.
  16. Saw him at the Bridgewater hall in Mcr a few years ago, blubbed all the way through then got to shake his hand, truly phenomenal. Sadly it's only the music that's timeless.
  17. Have just heard the news that Karl has passed away, i sadly lost touch with him when i got divorced. So many great memories of a superb mate, don't really know the details but the only thing I can say is 'i hope he went out swinging '. One of the scene's larger than life characters for sure.
  18. Hey up Joan.. hope you're well and still out there for the 5%'ers. Great memories of great times, see you around (you never know) Love to T.xx
  19. Surprised no one posted this, a great track any way it comes, penned by Paul Carrack and played at the Casino as a new release. Still has the killer vocals on this 45, there must have been countless times when Marvin would've been sweating as JJ was breathing down his neck! Nice cover of Hall and Oates Sara Smile on the flip too.
  20. Sparse production with maximum appeal, the epitome of a club soul 45. Gritty, groovy,and definitely gettin' it!
  21. Let's have a 'Barnesathon' in his memory.
  22. Nice big production with a great alternative slant.
  23. Check these guys out on the iplayer performing 'love and hate in a different time' and the old Casino footage as a backdrop. This guy can wail!
  24. I was hoping someone would post this, i was one of the five arrested for possession along with Ray Cowan (rip),Pat Brierley, don't remember the other two. The early sessions ended after that, i was grounded by my mum and missed jnr Walker at Wigan. I remember it as though it was yesterday, they burst in,seized the mic,announced the bust,then off to Stalybridge cells..I'm laughing now just thinking about it!. Fined the princely sum of £24 at Dukinfield magistrates court. Thanks for posting that MEN article, i lost it some time ago.
  25. My first serious soul session, went as a 15 yr old in my last year of school,fast forward 18 months and I'm in court for chemicals. A superb early session, get there early and Roy Young would be behind the decks,local lad Mick Lucas would occasionally follow whilst Dave Stubbs was on the door. The start of the journey for me,i pass it regularly and still miss it. Met my wife there also. Part of me to be scattered there when the time comes. Have to dig out some pics. Some of the undesirables who were regulars there.

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