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Everything posted by Bitchdj

  1. ..you are right..i just looked down my pink pants..oh my god i am a girl ...best keep to dancing or maybe some knitting????
  2. yeeeeeeeeeeeeee harrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
  3. why not record yr vinyl on to cd ..best of both worlds
  4. ooops one beer or 3 too many flyer.bmp
  5. ermmmmmmmmmmmm there are sat alldayers
  6. scientists of soul - bes that way sometimes frank howard - judy...... both issued on 45
  7. ah now i see male group harmonies are not soul ..cant see any trees let alone any woods and i am shocked at the ammount of blatant flirting going on here ..get a room mr bicknell for your group fingy
  8. rockmasters floats my boat..but lets face it its doo wop some of the tunes mentioned here have no resemblence to anything soulful.or R& B fer that matter stop hiding behind the genre of soul and call it what it is fer gawds sake ITS ROCK AND ROLL
  9. if i were to have any embarrasing tunes hanging around ( which by the way i dont because i have excellent taste ) easy get out is to give them to my son who collects records too..or pretend i have bought it for him as he is young and still going through the wigan thing at the moment ( learning curve )..... oh ok i have one..just one ski-ing in the snow - the invitations..but only because i collect the dynovoice label
  10. i have a friend ( honest i do )..a huge motown rare stuff type collector who has done me tapes of unreleased stuff..this is def unreleased..much better than the vows IMO must be acetate fingy but why not play it???......will make a change from the usual motown dross u get at most soul do's bitch dj
  11. no gettin out of this one..in fact an extra pound will be deducted for the sickening grovelling the bitch is unforgiving
  12. thats a certain young mans pocket money stopped jamie me laddo bloody cheek you have kids older than mine i cud not be in that house..i will kill em all me
  13. actually i would pretend to pick 12...tell christian h he was one of them..and actually he wud be the only one his only form of amusement wud be...... an old decca player along wiv a pile of white boy soul music
  14. soul went to hell in a handcart the day people started to try and pass off rock & roll as soul the bitch makes herself at home
  15. not been booted :angry: ..still gettin around the £600 mark...as played over the last year by nige shaw to great response..not everyones cuppa but bloody ell it grows on ya just my opinion of course the bitch has landed

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