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Everything posted by Bitchdj

  1. just goes to prove does it not that expensive dont mean quality .......slipping across the decks tonite @ home..... MIGHTY MARVELOWS - I'M SO CONFUSED.....CHOOOOOOON MIGHTY MARVELOWS ( again ) - TALKIN BOUT MY BABY....CHOONIER.. VOLTAIRES - MY MY MY BABY...SUBLIME CHOOONNNN SO WOT ARE U ALL LISTENIN TOO????? COOKIE
  2. ooh mace we have all bought such an awful record at 4am ..the trouble is now i am on my 3rd collection i just cant afford to collect anymore...when i occasionally dj the punters would not be happy if i just churned out the same old records week in week out...( unlike some i could mention )....to get what i want sumtimes takes months of careful planning..buying a thing to sell etc..but some times its just the fact that the longed for article just doesnt hold the affection it had in my mind ...so off it goes and its on to the next one..its an addiction,...nay an illness
  3. dad ~ slim whitman and likes both kinds of music country... and western mum ~ always remember her singing to..freda payne -band of gold but sadly glen campbell sister ~ reggae oldest bro ~ went to wigan introduced me to soul at the tender age of 9 youngest bro ~ big soulie til a few years ago...sold up..and now just gets cd's off me eldest son ~ loves his soul and can be seen berating r&b at sum alldayers ( dunno where he gets that from ) youngest son ~ comes running evrytime he hears ..dee clarke - thats my girl god how scary is that wen i read back thro it
  4. i have only one thing to say about clothing.... if the sh*t fits then wear it
  5. dont like...well i say dont like..what i really mean is i wud rather have my nails pulled out slowly one by one than listen to this particular track...
  6. hands the queen bitch crown to mr mark ( long john silver ) bicknell
  7. ffs catch that friggin teardrop....where have u been????..played to death awful rock and roll tripe...IMO
  8. i do love it ..for i wud av nowt to bitch about in the mag otherwise dont care who says wot...... really its wots in the groove that counts
  9. coooeeee mr remus..wen was the last time u went anywhere to hear wot a dj says???? more annoyin than wot dj's say..are people who say your record is in the post sed sum sh*t meself like from time to time ..who cares..who listens????
  10. oi u can take me off the list..i only got one hand uvver one in a cast..tut i dont know why cant dj's be original ...gotta follow the crowd..one gets plastered the other has to get the better version..lol
  11. abso friggin lutely..or wots the point ..mite sound cheesy but..to dj for me is not about being the big i am..its about trying to make others feel the passion i do for my chosen music and as for the comment there is no skill in putting records together ...so not true or anyone cud do it eh???..as has been said above..knowing whats in yr box..intros ..exits..styles etc is the key..or it cud be any one playin music in any order in their living room gettin me coat
  12. got to go with the point..show the crowd that YOU are enjoying it.standing with yer arms folded and a smug look ( ner ner look wot i got ) kinda thing aint gonna get yr dancers enthusiastic..being able to give the set some kind of flow is a good point..and if u really cant follow tempo.grab the mike and talk yer way out of it rare records are ok if they are any good..but rare doesnt make em danceable.....peeps will throw 'emselves round just as much to a £10 sound as they would for a £10,000 sound watch yr dancefloor over the sets before u..see what is gettin 'em up no two crowds are the same..and if yer losin 'em change yer tack as has been said a great sound system is a must or anybody will sound bad and finally not being a girl makes life a darned sight easier ( stickin on me false moustache as we speak lol )
  13. wishin u a speedy recovery mark..i too have been back in hossie wiv me arm..had it re set ( bloody nhs ! )..give those old folks on the ward hell..teach them about northern soul..lets face it the age of most niter goers now they wud fit rite in bestest wishypoos to you and yours.....
  14. its bloody catchin this limbs in plaster fingy .....hope u feel lots better soon mark..if yr out by sat..i have to dj..soooooooooo..if i let u lean on me can u lend me one of yr arms seriously owwwwww....hope all goes well...condolences to the nurses and of course jaqui who will bear the brunt of the patients..erm impatience
  15. ahhhhhhhhh mr fletcher..hes always had that certain little something
  16. i know of a copy that went for £200 recently ..its a bit of an in sound @ the mo..luv those mental drums... shud never be that much but hey ho such is the fickle world of record collecting
  17. one i pulled out and played @ sherries and had runners....always lurking in the back of the box.. joe moore - i aint - verve makes me go all mushy and fink of the early 80's wen i was young
  18. defo the northern scene then! link
  20. ya pair of big girlies blouses watching corrie ...ITS NOT REAL
  21. can u hear that????..the sound of the stampede ...how the bloody hell would u pick that lot up
  22. i completely agree ..keep it interesting and different..i aint been out hardly lately cos am sooooooooo fed up of the same old same old ..keep with it..and hope all goes well for you.... but.. as for the size of ice cubes..its a relevant issue when choosing a venue..but i wouldnt argue about it...just state my opinion
  23. ..ooh i have tears someone pass the tissues
  24. awwwwwwww fwuffy kittens :graywanker:
  25. absolutely not andy...far too rare for one of our nites of bootlegs and rock and roll

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