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Everything posted by Bitchdj

  1. tut letting the side down karen...women dont fart til they marry...cos til they marry they aint got an arsehole cookie
  2. and northern soul didnt exist ....what do you think you would be doing every weekend if not going to a venue???...garden centres??? crown green bowls???? i sat the other nite and thought about it and couldnt think of one single hobby i have that does not include soul music...wot a scary thought as i approach old age cookie
  3. i have seen some pretty poor acts over the years and i take on board the point about old men / women on stage ruining ones ideal of how they were in their heyday...but.. the masqueraders @ northampton blew em all out of the water ( i may be a little biased they are me all time faves ) quality live performance as were all the others on over the weekend..to be honest chuck jackson could have been the bloody queen for all i cared as i had to retire to the bar after the masqueraders for a stiff drink then upstairs to change me knickers cookie
  4. well now there are those of us who like to play the semi known , little known stuff..i myself dj'ed at the northampton w/ender in the alternative room played nothing outrageous but stuff i like and deserves an airing..many peeps new little of what i played but that doesnt make me a superstar does it it just means we move in different circles...but...there will never be an upsurge in little known stuff again as in guy and keb @ stafford ...where are we sposed to play the stuff??? play anything not in the top 20 choons @ most venues and they walk off the floor ...some of the so called great oldies dj's are living off the back of a name they had in the 70's etc..and they seem to make no effort at all regarding breaking new or forgotten gems..maybe they will still be wheeling them on stage in their wheelchairs so i dont want the job thank you very much i would rather play me fings in the dingy little second room to an appreciative audience cookie
  5. they are all oldies aint they???
  6. blatant
  7. just checked 3 x W/D m- condition @ £90 each.....also have 3 copies of her other fab choon on volt ..what you gonna do @ £30 each pm me if interested cookie
  8. margie joseph chooooooooooon...just so happens i can lay my greasy little mits on a couple of spare copies of this if anyone is interested cookie
  9. its the rice crispies syndrome innit..SNAP CRACKLE AND POP ..makes me go all mushy to think some poor black ( or white ) guy ( or gal ) sang his arse of to pay the rent and the end result is the piece of vinyl / styrene in my little hand..they have survived many years and should be afforded reverance cd's?? PAH COOKIE
  10. well for gods sake 27p i aint payin that cookie
  11. is it just me or has anyone noticed the lack of record sales lately???? ..its all trade trade trade..be honest who has the money these days apart from the big boys???..people haggle and trade over £10 items even .....even auctions dont make what they used to...is this the end of overpriced records??? ( bloody hope so ) come on give us your opinion.... cookie
  12. you have more mail... cookie
  13. my postie is an absolute star ...we had a small discussion once about how much the records were actually worth...once he got up off the floor ..he was most respectful and has been ever since..he lives just round the corner from me he gave me his number so i can ring him if he is unable to deliver and he pops round with the goods..saves me a 5 mile round trip to the main sorting office mucho respect to him cookie
  14. mace own up you only never went for it off nige cos you were waiting for a demo ...'kin awful record cookie
  15. jeeeeezzzz i am tired just reading the replies cookie ( prefers to play the choons rather than dance )
  16. well heres a poser for all you young whippersnappers on the forum... my son ( aged 12 ) collects vinyl..loves his northern..been to a few dayers with me etc etc..... we just had a vinyl session one for one..how come mine are now all mid tempo and the lads are uptempo in yer face northern??? :dance: ..surely once all the choons hes playin i would have bounced around to....god i feel old come on be honest how many of us oldies can still do a back flip????..or even manage a dance at all...... cookie
  17. tut hammy you are so slow with these soundbites cookie
  18. did i read that right..MANDELLS £35..if so reserve for me please pm me..lol cookie
  19. mmmmmmmmmmmmm @ that falcons B side ..someone sell me one now :search: erm i meant please cookie
  21. hey pete...whoever u are ...get better soon.... cookie ( who rarely dances so u can sit with me )
  22. ooh spooky..buckner bros and players both been on here tonite
  23. even more on the decks tonite...and heres me finkin i had lost my soul....sigh... FANTASTICS - HIGH NOTE - COPA FABULOUS FOUR - IF I KNEW - SAINTMO DIAMOND JOE - HOW TO PICK A WINNER - SANSU BONNIE BLANCHARD - YOU'RE THE ONLY ONE - CRS and on the moddun side..... TROI - I NEED YOUR LOVE - WHITE LABEL FINGY ERMMMMMMM BLACKSUN - SPREAD LOVE...CHOOOONNNNNN lol got all me old 12's out fer a spin.. cookie
  24. jeeees all our icons are disappearing at a rate of knots .....its a sad fact that we are all gettin on and sadly so are our heroes...its sad that some were not even remembered in their home country...but we will keep them alive musically... R. I . P willie cookie
  25. mmmmm seminoles...mmmmmm ej and echoes...mmm lovelace watkins..wot fabulous taste we all have montclairs...pure class ooh the backstabbers re-mix of angie stone on 12" is fab

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