well now there are those of us who like to play the semi known , little known stuff..i myself dj'ed at the northampton w/ender in the alternative room played nothing outrageous but stuff i like and deserves an airing..many peeps new little of what i played but that doesnt make me a superstar does it it just means we move in different circles...but...there will never be an upsurge in little known stuff again as in guy and keb @ stafford ...where are we sposed to play the stuff??? play anything not in the top 20 choons @ most venues and they walk off the floor ...some of the so called great oldies dj's are living off the back of a name they had in the 70's etc..and they seem to make no effort at all regarding breaking new or forgotten gems..maybe they will still be wheeling them on stage in their wheelchairs
so i dont want the job thank you very much i would rather play me fings in the dingy little second room to an appreciative audience