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Everything posted by Bitchdj

  1. i had the exact same fing on monday night i always report the scam to my internet provider and never answer any mail from paypal without first logging into my account because if there are real issues they will show as soon as you log in.....but they really look the business these mails and it would be easy to be fooled.... cookie
  2. Bitchdj


    would it not have been far simpler to put all your sales on one post??? cookie
  3. lol we all musta posted at same time ...i have a ruff old sound clip sumwhere lol..... cookie
  4. cracking choon but alas is a butch cover up as far as i know cookie
  5. well me and the lad just popped into the local newsagents martins to buy a water pistol ( dont ask its a long story ) when we both burst into song as timi yuro-it'll never be over for me blared out over the tannoy closely followed by arethas - you make me feel like a natural woman.......followed by....the bangles ... cookie
  6. depends on your definition of reasonable price?? but i have one for sale £70 incl P+P cookie
  7. ooh you must post a clip....mine is a 12" white label that just says bootleg lol on the label...oh lordy i bought a bootleg cookie
  8. oh that will be the bootleg backstabbers remix of angie stone luffly choon.... myself i was in mellow mood in my car...dynamics -whenever im without you...players -why did i lie....magnificent 7 -never will i make my baby cry....lovations -( i keep singing ) la la la ooh....moonlighters- lonely baby etc and so on....... was singin me head orf cookie
  9. think it mite be a tad more than £150...only because you rarely see one for sale....class chooon with an even classier B side IMO cookie
  10. as if you are gonna see me in a "nice dress " where do you go to see these ladies in nice dresses???......i think its slightly naff to wear retro clothing...maybe its an age thing but i go for comfort over fashion anyday cookie
  11. ok i delved i do have the esquires on wand but it aint that one its you've got the power...maybe yer right i must have got em confoosed ...my only excuse is that its monday and its been a harsh weekend cookie
  12. ....maybe it is on wand ...i have the impalas too funny sort of record but it grows on you....im off to delve into the old boxes now see if i can find it......... cookie
  13. i sold my copy of the festivals on smash to mike so ask him for the flip...as far as i can remember the flip was dreadful and not a patch on the blue rock flip.....not seen the esquires on wand but i have it on bunky somewhere...... cookie
  14. all morning i was singing pookie hudson for some strange reason ....but by this afternoon it had changed to.........rotations - i cant find her....2 completely different tracks but each stuck in my head for part of the day.......... bugger i aint even finished writing this and heres another.....the paramounts - i wont share your love.... just gimme 5 mins.... cookie
  15. well i might try and slip my bottom onto the dj's bench again...seeing as moving house forced me to pass last year ..... PADDY WHERE ARE YOU???? Cookie
  16. hi there...i have the red issue not the rarer yellow one if you want it..... cookie
  17. yes ...two loves have i is the dreadful dirge to which i was refering when i mentioned pub singer......awful tuneless nasty song... cookie
  18. big joe turner sounds like a pub singer IMO .....as for me any choon with nails down a blackboard squeaky girl vocals could do with being an instrumental....... cookie
  19. oooh you know what it is now then...from the intro it cudda been any number of things the one that sprung to my mind was ...ronnie and the manhattans- long time no see...a seriously under rated track indeed....IMO cookie
  20. yes they did and if you do a search theres several copies on the bay rite now...incl a stunning EP not cheap mind bout £60 which includes the brilliant track " the hurts on you baby " also recorded by the moments on stang.... cookie
  21. well think yourself lucky that you have so many do's to choose from cos down here in the deepest darkest southwest everywhere is a long drive...and i will admit dissapointment after driving so far just to hear the same choons...but alas being a dj myself its incredibly difficult to please everyone all the time especially when you get requests for the same old same old...its my policy to always play a request ( if i have it ) but its a matter of watching the floor for me before you go on to do your set you cant arrive with a pre conceived idea of what you will play as it doesnt suit every venue...i am not going to name names but some dj's you can actually list the order of their playlists...maybe as was mentioned before they are scared of losing their superstar status or stepping out of the boundaries.....maybe you should choose venues that have several rooms like middleton to guarantee different sounds...or lifeline...or lowton...or ponds forge...etc etc where people dare to be different...and i have to agree with joan i dont recall having been to any venue with a mainly mid tempo sound ..its all about the mix.... cookie
  22. i am sure ive seen one lurkin on ebay at the moment ( a demo that is ) do a search for it cos i dont do those linky fings ...ive got a great funky track on all platinum..by ...the equations with willie and the mighty magnificents..not every bodys cuppa mind u..... cookie
  23. and nor does mine i have owned this particular choon since stafford days but it rarely gets played here these days....maybe i will go and dig it out.... cookie
  24. been around the modern rooms fer ages...its never gonna go in a northern room...took me ages to get one a few years back when it was still fairly new....try soul brother records crackin choon tho cookie
  25. i think its a tad more than £30 these days a friend of mine a big motown collector just got one for a lot more than that...an ellusive disc indeed cookie

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