thank god someone else said it first...i get loads of stick for my views about women dj's...i did the 100 club all girl line up and i have to say the sets were way more interesting than most nites as we havent really got anything to prove have we its already been pre-decided that women dj's are for playin someone elses records that is a dead no no...when me and nige shaw were together it was my biggest bugbear cos people always asked "are those your boyfriends records ? " fact as recent as 2 weeks ago someone asked me "what happened to yours and niges records when u split up" ...easy innit we never actually jointly owned any records...ive sweated over collecting this my 3rd collection and i dont like having it belittled in any way shape or form...when people say "oh she did a great spot " you can almost hear it under their breaths ( for a girl )