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Everything posted by Bitchdj

  1. god i hope theres not another me ....will we be seeing u and mrs wazz @ weston on saturday me dear???? cookie
  2. my point exactly...but then again maybe they hope its not me cookie
  3. yes i know justine messaged me so i know its not her........someone has sent me a contact for one of the venues.......so maybe i will try that cookie
  4. remember me dear its the seaside there will be fish to go wiv me chip...............he so adores me really i can tell cookie
  5. dead end on that site wrong gal...but hey nice name ....grrrrrrrrrrrrr drivin me nuts onwards... cookie
  6. well ive been put onto a site that SHE frequents yes i now know its a she....and ive joined but im not approved yet lol so i cant ask the questions lol........ i just broke into song mike at the mention of double life........ ..... cookie
  7. oiiiiiiiiii i resemble that remark...... ...brace yer stokie self for a slap saturday night sir....thats if i can get near you for the whiff of garlic ....that chinky is always a little heavy handed with it cookie
  8. thanks for all the PM's etc but i am still none the wiser ..... cookie
  9. This all was brought to my attention after a mix up through a record trade i did with a member here originally....... This weekend ive had a fone call saying "oh i didnt know you were Djing at so and so "...well im not the person named COOKIE on the flyer is deffo not me.....i object to someone plagiarising the name COOKIE which ive always Dj'ed under and indeed its the name i use for my articles in soul up north.....mind you i dont mind if they get the stick and hate mail from the said articles sooooooo does anyone know who he/she is????...........its quite worrying that i may be compared to him/her...and probably vice versa... can anyone shed any light on this for me??? TIA COOKIE
  10. PM with a price you wish to pay and we will discuss further cookie
  11. if u r still lookin i have a copy also cookie
  12. erm good luck in your search....... cookie
  13. just the one today..... IMPERIAL GAYLORDS-HERE IT COMES / VALARIE-TY-DO superb labels not a whiff of any wear...vinyl is more than ex+....not my cuppa tea but deffo one for a collector of all things chicago yours for £70 incl P+P and paypal!!!!!!! listing a few more soon watch this space cookie
  14. ...yes i have one for sale PM's with sensible offers if you want it cos i aint gettin into an argument about prices yet again........ cookie
  15. i have one do enlighten me as to this years price see if we can do a deal i know a few turned up a while back but alas as ever seems to have dried up again.... take your best shot.. cookie
  16. album only chuck but bloody ell blinding track IMO cookie
  17. ive got a copy stone mint ...£125 incl of P+P....PM if you are interested cookie
  18. argos do them as well i got mine in there cookie
  19. i seem to recall a daft moment in the stafford era of peeps wearing designer jogging bottoms and muscle vests forerunners of the modern day chav maybe?? ...kung foo shoes....and what was with the mushroom hairdo?? personally i blame mr thorley himself for that one.....proper trend setter ..... cookie
  20. christ karen i aint heard me maiden name in years .....and did you really have to remind me about past mistakes ........ the 80's (sigh) those were the days when we were young....well you were very young karen lol....still remember that wedgie haircut you used to sport at stafford..... fond memories chick cookie
  21. i tentatively took my first steps onto the niter scene in the early 80's cut my soul teeth on the likes of TOTW...jamaica club in glos ( that was a dive lol )...of course the 100 club...a couple of those alldayers that popped up at yate leisure centre...bradford queens hall...etc etc...for me it was a good time and a break from all the 100mph stuff that had gone before...i even went to a niter in aberdeen whilst living up that way for a bit...leicester n hinckley...station hotel in donny....crowle...thorne loadsa venues.......so for me it did not die away and like has been mentioned before those that were there at the start of it all were busy having kids and mortgages etc.....i do remember £20 being a lot to pay for a record ...and knew i was on the slippery slope of a collector when the price increased to £50 and i didnt bat an eyelid.... fond memories indeed...made many friends some of whom i havent laid eyes on since the 80's....but i do have some dodgy pics of karen mc hugh ( wigley )....and a few more peeps with terrible 80's hairdos...remember that mushroom perm thingy???.... lost years my arse cookie
  22. you nosy gits ...think i might go private on my ebay ID .....just like the guy mentioned has now done ...i know who he is too ...and its deffo not TB what does he know about soul music??....joke tim if you are reading lol getting my coat cookie
  23. whats even worse than no post is not being able to track recorded stuff ive sent @ royalmail.com as even the bloody website has been subject to industrial action...the buggers ...still waiting for another 7 records but i wont divulge what they are cookie
  24. does this mean i now have to keep my CD's in a locked box for insurance purposes?? cookie

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