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Everything posted by Bitchdj

  1. i wudda thought the pretenders was a tad more than £50 cookie
  2. pretenders- everything about you/i call it love...... stoppers-come back baby-jubilee w/d appreciations-she never really loved me -sport w/d syng Mcgowan-thats what i want -hope TIA cookie
  3. how spooky it was on the decks here not more than 10 mins ago ....gorjusss street corner harmony type fingy floats my boat and cheap as chips as well...... cookie
  4. ive got a detroit execs for sale ...not off centre like most are...am looking for £220 for it or make me your best offer PM me for further details cookie
  5. 2 spring to mind and both were @ the fleetwood weekender...lorraine silver singing the same song twice god she was worse than any wannabe kareoke singer ive ever seen......and bunny sigler who was ratarsed and nearly falling over...kept forgetting the words and stopping the band to go back to let the good times roll cos he knew that one ........dreadful... sometimes i think they should leave these artistes in obscurity especially the ones in those awful levine videos who just looked like tramps he had picked up on a street corner and dressed them from oxfam rejects..it must be terribly demoralising to be reminded of faded glory..... cookie
  6. ive got a mint- demo ( label has 3 biro stars on it ) i just put in the sales box ready for lifeline with £325 on it.....but am open to offers or trades on it if you are interested cookie
  7. oops it came up twice
  8. isnt it dreadful when people slander your good name on a soul forum...... cookie
  9. isnt it dreadful when people slander your good name on a soul forum...... cookie
  10. too late pete i read it before u edited it...this aint a discussion about postal costs as i keep saying if people dont agree with them they can just not buy/bid on the item its about not reading the finer details and shipping info.....if you want to discuss shipping costs open a new thread...... cookie
  11. did i have to inform you the item was in fact recorded and being tracked??? NO i didnt...and as you have used so many dealers from ebay in the past you will be well aware of most shipping costs.. no less expensive than mine are they???...ive paid up to $10 and have the thing arrive in a piece of kitchen roll !!!!!!! if you wanted to complain about shipping then it should have been queried on point of sale not after the fact....my shipping costs and insurance info could not have been made any plainer on the actual item details and anyone here can go and check that....i didnt choose to name any names but you have decided to reveal my ebay ID which to be honest most people would know anyway and i have nothing at all to hide at all ...and congrats you are my first ever complaint and i hope you are the bloody last its this kind of thing that puts people off the whole ebay/paypal thing altogether cos theres been enough debate about it on here over the years...i came to this forum purely to ask other sellers for their advice end of story...... cos as far as i can see in your opinion i have to lose not only the record......but any costs incurred by myself...and give you your money back????? ,,,makes perfect sense that doesnt it ....NOT I aint a charity matey cookie
  12. oh and ..ps you were discounted for postage to the UK my usual rate on ebay.com is $7 its going to be one of those days isnt it cookie
  13. ok which bit of standard flat rate international shipping says that it will be insured??? you read the description you chose not to insure.. and how will i not be out of pocket????...i will have no record and no insured amount...it is because of past fraudulent persons that i CHOOSE to send recorded delivery if you werent happy with paying the shipping costs as described why bid on the item??? you were not aware at the time that it would be sent insured.......i always list on ebay.com for exposure no other reason you are making me out to be a cheat and a liar when all i have done so far is keep you informed.... i did not have to give you a tracking number and you would have been none the wiser that the item was sent recorded delivery...i also informed you of the earliest date i could even report it as a lost item but oh no you cant even wait that long before lodging a claim... i too have 100% positive feedback...i find you very insulting and a waste of my time and effort in trying to keep you informed there are plenty of unscrupulous dealers out there but i am not one of them.... if you OR ANYONE ELSE has a problem with my shipping costs its very simple DONT EFFING BID ON MY STUFF...... cookie
  14. i did offer to meet the buyer halfway as i know how it feels not to recieve a record but it seems that wasnt good enough so now he can shove it where the sun dont shine.....its now out of my hands and i await paypals verdict on the matter..... cookie
  15. its now escalated to a claim...am sick of repeating myself to them now grrrrr ...all this over a £25 record !!!!!!!!!! cookie
  16. i have just more or less said that to him as he is still e-mailing me thro ebay ...i am putting my very polite replies on the paypal dispute page........let them sort it out..... cookie
  17. it shows as not being delivered and i rang them and got told until the 18th jan its not officially lost...BUT because i choose to send rec del the guy thinks i shud refund him even tho he did not pay for insurance......surely paypal and ebay will look at my postal policies and uphold my case??? or i will be well out of pocket cookie
  18. i sold a few bits and pieces on ebay recently and all but one of them arrived safely...now heres my problem ...on the actual selling details i clearly state my postage policies...it read standard first class post....and that i will not be held for postal mishandling unless they choose to insure.......anyway i have been communicating the with the guy he may well be a member on here for all i know...i have been checking as i send all my ebay stuff out recorded therefore i can track the items and stop cheating buggers who claim not to have recieved items.....in my many mails to him i have told him the tracking number so he can check also....... he has now opened a paypal dispute he thinks i should refund him because i chose to send it recorded delivery even tho he chose and paid as standard first class.... am i being unfair by sticking to the policies laid out clearly??? is gettin on me nerves now as i cant even claim it as a lost item until the 18th jan.. any helpful advice chaps n chapesses?? cookie
  19. One thing i will say in this womans defence she did use the mic fairly well..........unlike a lot of female disc spinners that dont,this i find strange,get women in the kitchen and you cant fecking shut them up,put a mic in their hand and it all goes tits up. In conclussion proper plastic rules!!!!!!!
  20. well it wasnt me.......it really gets my goat that promoters allow this kinda thing to go on,...and even worse if its a SHE it gives us ladies a bad name its hard enough as it is without this sorta thing going on......blood sweat and tears has gone into my record collection...... pressings PAH !!!!!!!!!!!!! cookie
  21. the chashers ( mis spelt ?? ) cracking choon and one of my top spins at the moment .....deffo be airing it at lifeline.......good luck in your search but its rarely seen at all........ cookie
  22. shows how long it is since i went into bristol cant believe andy has gone had some right bargains in there myself....and a la reine la mar came out of plastic wax....mind you i think it took jase starr 4 hours to find it.........sadly things are a bit thin on the ground at this end of the country......and so we boldy tromp off up north to spin a few discs.....cos theres nowhere to DJ round here even if they would have me on ... most local do's seem to be bog standard oldies and frequented by folk that dont go anywhere else......somebody please bring a forward thinking nite to the area...... cookie ps cant find that do in events .....
  23. oh i see she has all the same attributes as me then...charm...tact..etc etc etc cookie
  24. no its not mike this cookie is deffo a "she" cookie

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