did i have to inform you the item was in fact recorded and being tracked??? NO i didnt...and as you have used so many dealers from ebay in the past you will be well aware of most shipping costs.. no less expensive than mine are they???...ive paid up to $10 and have the thing arrive in a piece of kitchen roll !!!!!!! if you wanted to complain about shipping then it should have been queried on point of sale not after the fact....my shipping costs and insurance info could not have been made any plainer on the actual item details and anyone here can go and check that....i didnt choose to name any names but you have decided to reveal my ebay ID which to be honest most people would know anyway and i have nothing at all to hide at all ...and congrats you are my first ever complaint and i hope you are the bloody last its this kind of thing that puts people off the whole ebay/paypal thing altogether cos theres been enough debate about it on here over the years...i came to this forum purely to ask other sellers for their advice end of story......
cos as far as i can see in your opinion i have to lose not only the record......but any costs incurred by myself...and give you your money back????? ,,,makes perfect sense that doesnt it ....NOT
I aint a charity matey