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Everything posted by Blueten

  1. Blueten

    Howard Tate RIP

    Very sad news."Baby I Love You"always did it for me way back when. Another little star in the sky-god bless.
  2. Just dug up this of me old mate Gareth from Markyate,who was a regular at Bletsoe.
  3. John Harris knew the owner there (think the family were Greek but cant remember names) and we stayed in one of the rooms over the top of Grapes.
  4. Spot on there Paul.Last time I went there was with Crookie and his brother Tony,john Tappenden,John harris,me,and two gals from Wing,allthe way there in Grahams minivan!!!
  5. Thats a real shame removing photos as they really do belong on this site,and not stuck in some draw-Mark.
  6. BRILL. I do recall the bloke on left in red shirt and also the blond in the middle and in both photos,but cant put a name to them.I remember seeing the blond girl there on several occasions Mark.
  7. Hi Paul.Have tried to source photos,but have now lost the will to live,or am I missing something? Mark.
  8. In your mail box
  9. Have to disagree with you on that point DD*************LOVED EM :wicked: :wicked: :thumbsup:
  10. Sorry for my ignorance,Shelly-thats better
  11. Shelley Makes you restore your faith in flying dosent it!?? :yes:
  12. Hi Paul.Forgot to mention the night Roy Wood walked in to the Toddington complete with face paint and Chiefy stood up and in no uncertain terms,told him exactly what he thought of his music!!??!!
  13. Hi Paul.I dont recall George at Bletsoe either-maybe wrong but cant recall him there. It was the first niter that I got to under my own power and always took John and caroline over with me as well as gilly-girlfriend at the time. We spent quite a few Sunday mornings at Toddington didnt we-with the usual crowd.Always remember you producing a copy of Honey Bee-Johnny Johnson -first time id heard it as it had only just come out-swiftly followed by a rendition of hawkwind and Silver Machine,a bit different but still a good sound!! Good old Discatrons eh.
  14. hi Paul.just about spot on with that summary-but all part of lifes great tapestry!!
  15. Hiya DD.Great to see you at Wilby the other week and good to meet up with a lot of old!!?? faces.
  16. This was taken about 73 at The Black Horse.Girl on far right is Caroline(John Tappendens other half)Cant remember who the girl is that is talking to her but I know she died from an OD. Can anyone name the bloke who is standing to the right of Bob Cosby who DJd there along with John Turner?
  17. Hi peggy.If you look back through the thread on page two,I have posted some photos.there is the bottom half of Noreen and Effna and several of Renna (everyone called her Cathy) taken at The Black Horse-Leighton Buzzard about 73. Her brother was killed in a head on with a bus on his way home from Shades.She was a friend of Caroline (John tappendens missus) We regularly ended up at their house on the way back from The Torch etc,in Castle St Bedford,along with Graham Crook who was Johns best buddy
  18. hi Paul.great to meet up with you again at Wilby after all these years.Remember the Birds Nest well.It allways reminded me of dancing in a boxing ring!!! Mark.
  19. Also The Bob And Earl Bands version-always reminds me of the Torch and in my opinion,the best instrumental ever.
  20. Have to agree with that-Also the great Bob Relf-Blowin my mind to pieces
  21. Have not a clue but to give them credit,it does look spot on.
  22. Hi, has anyone seen the latest Vodaphone ad with the dancing at the beginning-blink and youll miss it.
  23. Thank god for that.I thought it was just me!!!!
  24. Hi Kev.I used to go to Wilby now and again-great atmospere,and Gibby and Mick although hardly ever mentioned (unless ive missed something) were a couple of the best DJs ive heard. Would have gone there more often but spent more time up north. I was wondering if you remember a bloke called Paul Shears or as we used to call him-Shag.I think he was a regular there.It was with him that I went to the Wheel with for the first time-he now lives in Australia.

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