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Everything posted by Chalky

  1. I personally think half the trouble is that the majority of collectors have paid off their mortgages, kids grown up and have plenty of ready money to spend and aren't afraid to pay over the odds. Times are gone when you could turn down a record you thought was a little expensive as you knew you would more than likely see one the following week. No one has the patience either anymore, not many prepared to shop around for the best deal. Also the collecting scene is now worldwide, just like stamps. Even more so with the advent of the internet and auction sites like e-bay. Have sold records on e-bay to China, Japan, Australia, all over Europe and the States. What do the dealers think? C'mon Mick (Smith) you must have one or two thoughts about this ;-)
  2. You need to top up on your Geography too Mikey by the looks of things :-) Only one God's country, glorious Yorkshire :-)
  3. Above reply is mine...forgot to log in again :-(
  4. Hi Grant. I look round at nighters and there doesn't seem to be many young serious collectors rooting through boxes. They don't have the history that we do, vinyl only, as they grew up with cds and maybe have no qulams about playing from this format, unless like I said they have the guiding hand of a soulie father. How many young serious DJs are there? Not many at all. I know the scene is going through some kind of revival with interest from the marketing world, tv etc but how long will this last? How many newcomers will stay and do things as they have been done in the past? Looking forward to the track!!
  5. "Value is a matter of opinion" Two opinions count, 1) the seller and 2) the buyer. Some of us (including me) don't always like this but what can you? It's the same in any walk of life, someone is always prepared to pay that little bit more than someone else to own something they covet!! Sometime soon the bottom is likely to fall out of the NS market as the serious collectors get older and sell off their collections (can't take them with us unfortunately) and in the process releasing plenty of vinyl onto the market. But! who will be there to snap them up? Without some serious new younger blood will there be a scene to cater for all this vinyl???? Any newer, younger person (unless they have the influence of a soulie father/mother) to the scene is more than likely gonna go for cd's as this is what they are growing up with unlike most of us who grew up with vinyl only for a long time. Thoughts?
  6. Prince Philip Mitchell along with Ace Spectrum you couldn't give away at one time, oh how times change. Ace Spectrum was multi million seller in the states wasn't it?? Futures utter shite, failed disco record IMO and the sooner demand disappears ther better IMO. Drizzabone again bought as a new release and must be 100's about. If anyone want s one theyb can have minew for £150 ;-)
  7. Tickets for the next Lifeline Rare Soul All-nighter featuring the best Rare Soul DJs the scene has to offer are now available from Andy and Mick. To reserve your ticket contact...... Andy @ Dysonsoul@aol.com or telephone 01302 744927 or Mick @ Trentsoul@aol.com or telephone 07968 030464 NO admission without a ticket, last one was a lock out and this promises to be the same!! ************************** THE LIFELINE SOUL CLUB present The Real Deal Rare Soul All-Nighter @ Sheridans, Huddersfield Road, Ravensthorpe, Dewsbury (M62 Jnc 25 - M1 Jnc 40) APRIL 17th 2004 9.30pm till 7.00am Resident rascals are the Countries TOP Rare Soul DJS : - BUTCH ANDY DYSON TIM BROWN MICK H CLIFF STEELE NICK STEVENSON & GUEST SOUL SAM Record bar with some of the top dealers in attendance. Tables are free but must be booked prior to the night. Club capacity 250, Tickets £10 to be purchased in advanced or reserved to collect on the night. No admission without a ticket!!! Further dates: JUNE-19th, JULY-17th, AUG-21st, SEPT-18th,OCT-16th, NOV-20th. A percentage of the takings will go to a CHARITY -EVERY TIME! we will have tickets printed anyone who would like to sell any or anyone who wants any further information can e-mail Andy Dyson @ Dysonsoul@aol.com or telephone 01302 744927 0r Mick H @ Trentsoul@aol.com or telephone 07968 030464
  8. Tickets for the next Lifeline Rare Soul All-nighter featuring the best Rare Soul DJs the scene has to offer are now available from Andy and Mick. To reserve your ticket contact...... Andy @ Dysonsoul@aol.com or telephone 01302 744927 or Mick @ Tren... Tap to view this Soul Source News/Article in full
  9. The original Legrand has Workin For My Baby on the flip and is # 1042. The one you are about to get is I guess (no pun intended) a boot?!?! There's one on e-bay with the "Some Womans Bedroom" flip at £6 (or $).
  10. Legrand copies not been booted. SPQR original on styrene, booted on vinyl and later with orange label with instrumental on flip.
  11. lol....we know what you really mean Mr. Rimmer ;-)
  12. I though it was ;-) This design been booted too. Big difference in price between the last two sold, $271 and $93. Seems to be a few big variations lately, Bobby Kline another with approx a £1000 between two within about a week of each other.
  13. What colour is the label?? My eyes must be suffering after the weekender still :-)))
  14. Don't think it ever came out on single, anyone confirm. It's dated on the Kent Chuck Jackson cd as 1986 but doesn't indicate that it was unissued at the time of release so guessing it came out on a Kent lp first. Could be wrong, sure someone will confirm one way or the other.
  15. The Contemplations was brought up on another forum after Marco played it out at the Lifeline rare soul event of the year ;-) At the time of discussion John Manship had one on his website at £500. Rock Candy just been sold for $271 (approx £150) on ebay, think it was the easier blue label too but not 100%, crazy!!
  16. The Artistic with Ted Taylor on the flip, purple vinyl too has just sold for £88 on ebay ($162.50), Manship rates it £80. £85 for normal release. Bobby Adams £20/£30.
  17. Live acts were great, especially Melvin Davis. The sound was poor at times though, could hardly hear Cody Black or Baby Washington at times. Phil Perry's voice is just awesome!!! Music wise, Friday night, why two oldies rooms ;-) Saturday after acts some great stuff played by the likes of Butch, Andy D and Kitch. Best night was Sunday in the Queen Vic. Didn't hear Tim but Carl Willingham, Kitch and Mick H played some cracking records but thought Andy Dyson set was just superb though.
  18. Ok Grant cheers. Det Rhythm Section old Guy spin at Stafford. David Flynn played it at the weekend.
  19. Sent off list Grant, cheers. Few intsrumentals over the weekend at Prestatyn. Two that stand out Detroit Rhythm Section - Backstreet and Butch's instrumental to Walter Wilson on Wand I think.
  20. doesn't it again live in that part of the country...Norwich?
  21. Very interesting in deed!!! Can only agree with Grant and Brian, internet a great source for on the spot info and a place to talk b*******!!! :-))) Still like to buy the fanzines and not everyone embraces technology so still a great source for useful info. Also fanzines deffo better reading material when on the throne (unless you happen to have PC there too) :-))))
  22. Oops forgot to log in Chalky
  23. Hi Grant, I know you wasn't have a pop so don't worry :-) Yarmouth, now they were good weekenders!!!! Great venue and some great artists, still got most of the flyers etc. Totally shite with lyrics so not much help there to you, sorry ;-) Will try and sort summat with the instrumentals for you.
  24. Testing... Eddie and Jimmy Burns
  25. In admit there is some shit played Grant, always has been always will be. I admit I don't want to hear the likes of Frank Wilson at all wjhen I go out. Heard it enough over the last 20 years. I do agree there is some great forgotten oldies and some great cheap stuff beggin to be played. Butch is my fave too, always has been and me too haven't liked everything he's played. He did play an instrumental a while back but can't for the life of me think what it was. Not heard him play the Jean Wells instrumental either in a while. Think the Soul-Ins instrumental needs playing too (and this from someone who doesn't like them). The Soul Ins is the backing to Katie Briggs "Last Time Around". Not an oout and out dancer in the like chaumonts and Frank Foster but it did create quite a stir at Sheridans. Andy Dyson just picked an unknown instrumental up too, again forget what it's called, will get the details next time I'm there. As forr "Up North" spend most of my time down South as thats where my girlfriend lives, I only come home in the week.

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