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Everything posted by Chalky

  1. we all know why you stopped going out, you spat your dummy out.
  2. I actually put this back in the box a few outings ago but never played it. It's got everything IMO.
  3. Last one, off to watch the idiot box....
  4. and another 20 quidder...
  5. Here's a great cheapie......
  6. Dunno but I gave it some spins a couple of years ago.
  7. No need to apologise as I realised you meant nothing negative by it. I also think the cheaper stuff are the more unknown as everyone chasing and talking about the rarer stuff and often ignoring some quality music.
  8. Life in a tin can (lorry)... I could do with losing a stone or so.
  9. I've always played cheaper records (thanks Steve), mainly cause I'm a tight tw*t, something to do with the Yorkshire blood in me but mainly because the expensive stuff is out of my league or played by several others already. There is nothing worse than hearing record after record you can't afford or will never own. It gives me more pleasure when someone takes the time to ask what that record was you played and they then come back from the record bar with one in their hands and a big smile on their faces. Then again I don't consider myself a big DJ......except round the waist
  10. I'm not talking about numbers through the door, numbers impress me least of all, it isn't a true reflection on how good a night is just because there are a large number of people there, there are other factors involved. Sooty does have something to contribute and like others some of his posts are.....entertaining if that's the right word. But I'm a Yorkshire man and I can't abide using a thousand words when two will do! I get so far through his posts and I've either lost the plot or the will to live But back to Sooty's attempt to unite the scene. You know full well you cannot and will never mix the music from say Lifeline, Burnley, The Greatsone, the Wilton and many others with the music of Kings Hall. The punters just don't want it, either side. Well I could quite happily go to Kings Hall and have a good night but the large majority of those at Kings Hall have no desire to go to Lifeline and hear something they don't know. The split is too wide, people have no patience nor any desire to move out of their comfort zone. Besides so many so called promoters and DJs would have their noses pushed out of joint that makes it a non starter straight away. But good luck to him.
  11. I don't know why we need all the name dropping and bravado? I'm sure most aren't interested in the slightest, it impresses no one either. Just speak plain English with some grammar and paragraphs. The posts are very difficult to read and all the irrelevant stuff, off topic and silly pictures is making them hard to follow. I've just given up reading some of them. The plain English Society would have a field day. Many have tried to marry the different factions of the scene and failed. You've been away a long time Sooty and things are very different, far different when you first appeared along with many of the others returning. There is far too many soul nights and allnighters as it is, just adding more to the calendar will only make the situation worse. As for leading music industry figures, your having a laugh? Who are they and just why would they want to go to the 100 Club? The only thing cutting edge they will know is their razor blade.
  12. Anyone know what Sooty is on about? Can they explain?
  13. The split has never healed. You might have had a decent soul night in Cambridge but by and large the oldies newies split was as wide as ever and continued to widen to what we have today. The beginning of the 90's was the start of the decline musically to what we have today, largely a retro backward looking scene. Keele and Blackburn were two of the biggest culprits responsible for starting the decline IMO. That is Blackburn in the 90's, not the late 80's under Guy and his Soultown banner.
  14. What do you mean a split occurring? It was always there long before you came along in the 90's.. You read all the time the affect Mr M's was having on the main room, oldies/newies in the 80's, modern vs. Northern, all these splits and arguement throughout the 70's, 80's, 90's right up to tody as is plainly evident on this board by the constant turnover of topics covering these arguments. You were either a nighter goer or you wasn't. You did both or you didn't. You were into Northern regardless of what type of event you frequented. Back then Northern was cool, it wasn't the kinda joke it is becoming nowadays. Rare soul. Northern soul, modern soul, whatever kinda soul, just go out and enjoy it. If you can't decide where to go these days with the amount of information at your fingertips then there is no hope for you. Everyone has been around long enough and knows who plays what and promotes what to have some idea of what kind of venue they will or won't be attending. F*ck me why do folk have to complicate something that should be really simple?
  15. No read it again, Sooty is implying Rare Soul fans went to nighters and not soul nights. I've always done both.
  16. Dunno about revolutionary your mini bus trips Sooty, we travelled to Scotland in Dean Anderson's in the 80's, down the 100 club with my mate driving smoking cigars that made everyone sick and I was putting mini buses to go more locally, Mansfield etc as two blokes I worked with had em and made some money on the side. Deffo see you at the 100
  17. I would agree with you Mike but what we hear when we are out is not necessarily what we would listen to at home and not all of it is soul music. I don't use either term at home but socially you can't really get away from them and a scene has to have a name. Like you say though it is either good or bad, rare or otherwise.
  18. I knew I could count on you Len
  19. I don't think I'd have been as pleasant as you nor waited till I got home to say summat ;) If I'd have been the promoter they would have been warned then ejected if they carried on.
  20. Fook me Sooty, can't you give a simple answer to a simple question.? once I've deciphered your posts it would appear none of us have done it properly except the sold out mini bus. You are talking bollox to say a Rare Soulie only went to allnighters and not soul nights. As I said before the licensing laws changed we all went to the local soul night...local as in the same town or city or with in striking distance of the nighter. If it was 100 Club it was often the last services on the M1 where we all met up, Scratchwood as it was then. And believe me I've done some night trips in me time, as have many many more, hardcore as you call it......we weren't snoring on the way home either
  21. Are you sayingif you only did nighters you were into Rare Soul? If you did both you were into Northern Soul? When nighters started at midnight or after the pubs shut I and all my mates always went to a soul night. First or the services or a pub if travelling. Mind you we wouldn't have gone to a warm in Cambridge for a nighter in London
  22. Yes but much of what is played at an "oldies" night is/are rare soul! Wasn't it Rare Soul before Northern Soul? I would prefer Rare Soul rather than Northern Soul. Either way both are simply a name for this scene.
  23. I think Brian was the first now you mention it Pete. Looks like what happened with this track Kev before Kent got to the rightful owners.

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