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connie 52

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    hytones/you dont even know my name

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  1. Ex lead singer of the crickets [Buddy holly]
  2. Paid £20 for my Jerry Naylor still near mint
  3. got mine for 30 quid , from a guy in Vegas he had a 50 box and taking offers
  4. ARRIVED Postie just dropped it off Thanks Gilly
  5. Email and payment sent Regards Neil
  6. I have been trying to find it myself,super tune thought it was older though. PS thanks Mike
  7. Nabay belive it or not. Very rarely comes up for sale
  8. Lee Roye tears
  9. Keith's Eulogy Read in Church KAZ AND NEIL click to enlarge
  10. Keith had a great send off...He will be SOULIE missed by US and Many others.. few pics of floral tributes below NEIL AND KAZ PS Click on middle pic to enlarge.. Look at the bus in the background ( how uncanny )
  11. Hi Pete Hope everything is good with your self Sad news about Jimmy Muuirhead, he used to go to va vas back in the day Neil
  12. VaVa changed to Pips didnt it . Sure i had my 18th birthday there and it still had the booths and the perspex ,they were different colours every body use to walk into them Neil
  13. The coloured guy if remember rightly was Gid harding from Bolton

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