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Everything posted by Smileys

  1. Sue and I both looking forward! xxx Humbled to be invited xxx
  2. RIP King Size Taylor xxx
  3. Heart Breaking x
  4. what is a exact replica?, could it be passed off as a 1st issue by a con merchant. and yep just seen flip instrumental so of course not lol but the question still stands :} maybe repro is a more acceptable term, thanks Derek x
  5. twas amazing xxx
  6. March 13th absolutely blew our minds, cant wait for the 10th April, 21st contemporary soul scene, a delight, we qued, a chap came past, big smile, are you quing for the Beatles? naw just a real soulful happening, 2 historic clubs evolving as us with the 100 per cent xxx
  7. Absolutely wonderful and fantastic, Winstons lovely family will be so proud, im sure he Simon and our dearly departed soul spirits will be there in spirit xxx
  8. Super congratulations Pete. 21 years, last Sunday again mega, looking forward to 2022 lots of love The Smileys xxx
  9. cant wait, gettin me ol fitness back bit by bit, comin up with iconic photographer Kevin Wood, enjoy my pic, no screen grab, feel free to nick, cant wait for me Wheel fix, everyone having a bit of a time, events cancelled, respects to all the promoters and sites/admin like this keeping us entertained, togetherness maybe a good theme, not nit picking,for 2022 Pete deserves a medal imho xxx
  10. Fantastic, you folks deserve a medal. The world is nuts, the Wheel shows its world class status, leadership, example, stability, leading by example, not words, proud to know ya all, take a bow Pete Roberts, and yeah love the book. Call it all joy xxx Smileys xxx
  11. until

    We have got to believe! or its a very dark road ahead,, you folks, total winners in my book. Blackpool a British institution, you are all in our thoughts and prayers, be assured we will not desert you, in October 1976, Our honeymoon, Sue and I sat in the ballroom, old folk already, having a cosy cuppa, lol watching the ballroom dancing, saying we will be doing that when we are 60. The last 10 years odd, blimey we have danced in that famous ballroom, but not ballroom dancing lol Todays Northern soul scene , it has blown our minds, I wont say in our day it was called soul lol, The music calms all the detaiitis, God speed to you all, stay safe, lets do whatever it takes to kill this killer, plague lots love Derek, sue and ya flatlander mates , xxx
  12. You folks rock, once again an honour, Pete French, Shaun Parker, Moldie, John Stackhouse, still pinchimg myself, see yers in 2021 winners. Thank you Pete French for verifying my Danny wots his name, wake up to the sunshine, I was sweating when you asked to look at it lol One of the great soul clubs imho, love it xxx
  13. Welcome Finlay, I think Norman may well bring out part 2 so make sure you keep in contact, and im sure folks like Kevinkent, lots have been in touch, Something unique about Bletsoe lol always got lost :} and at our reunion 4 years ago I set of from Nottingham after a dj spot, supposed to be 1 hour plus 15 minutes.....took me 3 plus 30 minutes lol def something amiss my sat nav kept going mad lol maybe the ol souls no longer with us, having a bit of fun xxx Got there 4am wish, and this is where I got to know Winston Heath RIP , a very wise man indeed, Winston was amazed about the older all night scene, he did a great write up, which is on here. Although a short time we really became great mate, the Div and Winston a great combo lol xxx
  14. When I was first knocking around the Rare Soul Scene, there was a guy from Cambridge called Norman Rogers. He was one of the 'faces'. View full article
  15. I paid 5 pound for a fiat 500 in 1970 and saw one sell for 10k....sorry im just trying to get me head around, the question. One becomes defensive in a world where damned if you do and damned if you dont. One thing for sure is do we want to lose the real hard to find, to the Japanese etc. or to wealthy non soul collectors, I admire the big NS investors, they get stick but keep our scene at the top of the world. just wonderful to see their master classes I know loads of folks who flash their scooters, holidays, new kitchen, smoke 40 a day, and its wonderful, flash a toon, and well it can be very depressing....i had five of them, and so it goes on. Going back to me fiat, fiver now 10k, they dont get all that bravado my dad can beat your dad up ego stuff....they edify and admire.....like our great folks, should do, they deserve it as well. We are the world leaders, and the joy you get playing say Mel Britt to a crowd who know what they know, is a joy beyond any price imho....power to all, no need to knock and collector/dj....it dont happen in antiques, art, etc....believe it or not classical music sells for far higher prices xxxx
  16. I gather one of Winstons mega large family posted it, it got buried very quickly under the messages on facebook. Please dont stop posting on here, im sure it was not what mecca74 meant. The outpouring for Winston speaks for itself xxx
  17. Just wonderful and its take that excuse away for the new budding dj/collector who makes excuses to play boots, or just never starts. Think im getting old as there is something not quite right about seeing a bar code on the label. silly I know, give me a slap next time you see me xxx
  18. If you cant post yer beauties on here, without been trashed by envy of excellance, where can you post? love em my friend x
  19. ahhh Shufflin still trying to catch up lol, im like a mosquito in a nudist colony, my early toons were wheel, torch, many i found record hunting, sammy ambrose on stateside, which went on to become a 100 club anthem in the 90s i think, in 1970 rnb was for all old folks lol, just getting to dem thousands of imports wigan,mecca, then i heard this bloody rnb toon, at the 21st centruy wheel and i went back to 1960 lol then of course their are the modern jazz funk, after 73 the younsters mainly hit wigan and i hit brass construction fat back band etc. ....so to be real honest Shufflin I find ns sends chills down me spine, some makes me cry, rnb makes me smile with its great lyrics, some of the great classics you been away etc makes me think what did i miss, absolutely loving the new toons as well, my sets normally represent this, cos in the crowds are folks from all the soul micro generations. Of course having got back into the scene, in 2010 odd i aint fed up with the classics, maybe the vets wouldnt be if they aint been booted lol i was brought up then to if its on blue stax you dont feeki play it on the yellow rerelease...i carry on that tradition today. love n peace always open minded always the gwasshopper when djing...been asked back to the Mojo, a real honour such a high standard xxx
  20. o gosh lol just remembered why i dont come on here as much. REmember the cream always rises to the top, wasnt the same in the early 70s, hardly any events, so brill, but yes I personally support Northern soul events keeping it real, not fantasy northern soul events, its not rocket science, lol
  21. Respects to you seasoned Northern soul DJs. And thanks to the DJs who have put up and impart their great knowledge, to me. I spend hours sorting a set and always do different on the night lol I djayed in 71/72 but slightly different in them great pioneering days, The Torch had just started and we didnt know the 30000 plus imports existed lol. I was asked to do a one off, around 5 years ago to do a TW set at the local pub in Cambridge, but to discerning soul folk. I cleaned me ol toons incredibles, sammy ambrose, and other british gems ovo I was always taught back then if its on blue stax ya dont play it on yellow stax lol ..... I had just heard its bad you know and got the lp so decided to open with it, maybe the signs of a DJ who was willing to play different, well the crowd just stared at me :} from, then on opened up with Tommy Neal Goin to a happening, Garnet Mimms looking for you, Gladys Knight just walk in my shoes my first motown demo in 1970. The crowd really enjoyed it, you cant beat family and good friends lol For me this was my first and last set, however I havnt stopped since. And what a learning curve, have ya any Wigan toons mate, 100 club, xover, RnB, proppa toons, Mecca toons, funky edge! and so it goes on lol However ive muddled through , to the standard of seasoned DJs, no way lol but maybe my enthusiasm to learn, helps me win over the wide range of great soul folks I encounter. My last 3 first uns....10 oclock spot.....Its alright Turley Richards, 2. The los santos adolemces one, I call it the Mexican wade in the water lol 3. Betty Lloyd Im catching on...............all ovo, I dont put that to boast, it was just ingrained in me in the early 70s and cant do anything else. So im special guest at the Right Track Peterborough friday night, my first 3 oh ug no real idea lol I shall arrive early, I shall watch the dancers and chat with the great resident DJs, they know I know little lol but always will to help Gwasshoper on his journey...great thread by the way xxx and yep a;ways got me precious TW toons with me x
  22. great value and i missed the bugga lol

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