Maybe I'm naive to hope that a greater percentage of clubs would have some ovo pride.
As previously stated I've got no problems with an 'allsorts' policy at free to get in pub club room knees up type deal down the end of my road. However if we're putting our shirts, trousers and loafers/brogues on, £30+ in petrol (3 of us) £30+ in door tax, then show me the Dore 754! From a punters point of view that's furry muff?
Topic starter knew there were rules and these are they no? I''ve got Little Johnny on Horace's. It's not a turd btw (sorry) harsh. So I hope I've done my small bit for him. As a punter though it's got to be the real deal really, or we leave the door a-jar for Charlie Chancer Esq.