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Everything posted by Simsy

  1. To access Soul Source (almost always on my phone), I type ‘soul’ into Google and Soul Source will always normally be in the top five results, which I find reassuringly pleasing. It’s a pity the algorithms don’t have more depth than to point towards recent Bristol well meaning enthusiasts when it comes to the great northern soul dancers down the years. In the World for you Kev.
  2. Members pm’s?
  3. Different dj’s play different things. Something for everyone. So difficult to pinpoint a particular event. if you’re Midlands based, you should definitely check out the Rugby allnighter. There’s one on Saturday week. Top dj’s, large dance floor and an alternate room also.
  4. Very early one morning about ten years ago, Mrs Sims and I were in Starbucks at Stansted Airport waiting for a flight. When to my surprise I hear Mel Britt - She’ll come running back. Around the same timeframe, we were having a meal at a little pub called the Hand & Crown in a small village (High Wych). All was well enjoying the ambiance etc, when on comes the Cashmeres - Don’t let the door hit your back!
  5. What a great post and interesting read. i met Hull Soulie Steve Woomble down the 100 Club some years back. My first visit there was 85/86. Being from the South we considered Peterborough and Loughborough up North lol. We went to the 100 Club for the music. To dance and to look at records and buy those we could afford. Socialising and meeting people wasn’t really a priority. Mostly due to shyness. It wasn’t really until the Dome in Tufnell Park and the launch of Soul Source that one could finally put a name to a face and realise what a decent bunch of souls we were and still are.
  6. Well done for having a go I say. Nice arrangement. Something very 1974 about it. Lacks soul. Not a dancer and not a credible record to be played out.
  7. I think the silent option is a bit anti social, which is at odds with the NS scene. That feeling where a floor filler is played and folk head for the floor en masse.
  8. Sam & Dave were great! Soulfulness in aces. Rest in peace Sam. My ring tone for the past 15 years..
  9. Merry Christmas to all and to all a very merry Christmas and happy new year.
  10. Poor choice of words there. Just ‘Dave Rimmer off grid’ or sim might work better?
  11. Sad news Phil Shields long term member of Soul Source has passed away. His family were with him and he went peacefully. Phil had a great taste in music and was a resident DJ here at the Benn Hall Rugby allnighter. Rest in peace Phil.
  12. Might work better if they stuck to Wigans Ovation, or Nosmo King or sim, but not Ray. Don’t aim that high and balls it all up. Seeing Ray Pollard perform the Drifter live at the 100 Club made the hairs on the back of the neck stand up and we whooped with joy hearing his brilliant soaring soulful voice hit those high notes. Attempting to emulate such is beyond presumptuous and frankly quite wrong.
  13. Thanks for sharing. Takes me back.. We were more at risk of cancer from smoking back then as far more did then than do now. Talc usage at venues has declined over the years I’m sure. I’d be more concerned about the sugar in your tea than talc particles tbh..
  14. It really is, it’s got everything!
  15. Eighty seven hundred quid for VG! Geez. Does Soul Sam still have a copy?
  16. Well we are all entitled to our opinions. Thought some might have a more open minded approach, but I suppose folk get set in their ways and it’s oh so easy to jump on the bandwagon, sigh. To my mind and ear, it had a good intro, a good beat and great backing vocals. Chummy out front wouldn’t look out of place at the Kings Hall in his loafers, chinos & singlet. Yet it was awful, embarrassing, even the man from del monte had a say. Next time there’s someone crossover dirge being discussed, I’ll think of this thread.
  17. Unbearable? Embarrassing? I don’t see that as reasonable comment regarding this track. As has already been stated, it’s tons better than some of the Emporers new funk shite I’ve heard played out. Few band wagon jumpers on this thread.
  18. Bloody heathens! lol
  19. I only recently heard this on the radio. With its Javells sounding intro, my ears pricked up. I have to say I like it. They’re a UK outfit who’ve been around for a few years with quite a few releases. This for me has that Winehouse Rehab impact and I’d be interested to hear your thoughts.
  20. When she was younger, my dear wife thought Lipstick Traces by the O’Jays was “lipstick Tracey”
  21. A few US originals to go. £20 each. £3.80 postage UK only. Payment via bank transfer, or PayPal F&F. Thanks for looking. Jewel Akens - Wee bit more of your love - vg++ Oscar Boyd - When things get a little better - ex Turly Richards - Just can’t take it any longer - ex Sandra Richardson - Stay here with me - ex Willie Cobb - You don’t love me - ex
  22. VG+ copy sold last month just over a grand. Bit of a bargain. Always thought it was a money sound.
  23. Scarcely seen. Even less so is the ‘kids edit’. Same track, but with children singing along. Interested to know more on this version.
  24. My favourite group and my favourite track, lead by Paul Williams. Never been 100% that he killed himself. Talk of foul play. Sad loss of a tortured soul.

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