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Alan Bonthrone1

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Everything posted by Alan Bonthrone1

  1. Bunky, s the lad in the middle.
  2. Would the easel have to be wood or is laminate acceptable ?
  3. Greek Stateside.
  4. Not as popular as "The Inverts"
  5. There,s a S.American picture sleeve as well, it, s either Argentina or Brazil.Not the one pictured obviously.
  6. Surely not legimate.
  7. You have message.
  8. Thank, s Dave.
  9. Can anyone please tell me if "Get on up" and "How could it be "on 45 , the same cut, s as the album.Thank you Alan.
  10. Never mind wrong record. What about wrong warehouse !
  11. Certain it, s not U.S Dynamics R.C.A etc.
  12. He write, s how I used to talk when I was on the "tablet, s".
  13. Excuse my ignorance. Is the "Funny face girl" the Gene Latter /C.B.S thing.
  14. Two Paul Robeson 78, s and apair of Sunny San sandal, s.
  15. Two boxe, s
  16. Your bang on , Melv ?
  17. Ric Tic & Revilot.Sorry I, ve just read your post again.
  18. Bottom line.If it comes to production, would you go and see it ?
  19. Wrong choice of musical
  20. If anyone was, like me, intrigued with the name "Christmas Step, s".

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