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Everything posted by Roburt

  1. Typical shows held at Baltimore's Royal Theatre back in the day .............
  2. And here's a copy of the rare US original 45 ...... Tracks cut during the same period as the group's Reprise releases.
  3. That's James Thompson's shirt & I have 'first bags' on it as I know James.
  4. ... If you need an R&B artist .... .. be SHAW to ring these guys .....
  5. I think the above may have been more mid 60's, rather than 1963. It was the product of Donald Butler's production company.
  6. Well, he was recording around 1963 for DonBut productions .......
  7. I don't think that we will ever get 'packages' like this touring again ........... .......... the Howard Theatre in DC .............
  8. Not Vic's group ........ but back to (Eddie Daye's) Four Bars. They were signed to Josie at the time that Republic 45 by the Four Bars was released.
  9. As Vic fronted a Four Bars in the early 60's, just thought I'd ask about the Four Bars that cut for Republic (based out of Nashville) back in 50's. This outfit can't have been Vic's group (too early) and I guess they weren't Eddie Daye's Four Bars as that group had been signed to Josie at the time. So anyone know owt bout the Four Bars on Republic (they were a vocal quartet but that's all I know bout em).
  10. Anyone here know much about Vic Marcel. I know he started out singing (in the late 50's / early 60's) as front man for the Four Bars -- which I'd guess is a totally different outfit to (Eddie Daye's) Four Bars ..... ....... mind you, both group's were from the same general area (a place in Delaware, east of Baltimore for one & DC the other) and both were recording at the same time (around 1963). Back to Vic; later in the 60's, he hooked up with Andy Stroud (Nina Simone's hubby) and cut tracks for Ninandy that were picked up for national distribution by RCA. I like most of his Ninandy / RCA cuts and guess that additional tracks he laid down back then stayed in the vaults. From his ad (see attachment), Vic & his group seems to have been a popular act (in the early / mid 60's) in the Baltimore & DC areas ......... what more is known about him ??
  11. A Top 20 from 1972 ......... Would you rather have Coffee or Coffey ?
  12. I wonder how much 5c above cost price on a 45 was back then ??
  13. Ring DMA in Detroit to book Little Carl Carlton ........
  14. It seems to have worked this time .......
  15. Archie & the Drells in full flight ..........
  16. A typical show at the Apollo back in 1963 ........ can't seem to attach the file at present, so will try again later.
  17. Just thought I'd mention that the acts on at the theatres such as the Apollo did a number of shows each day. For instance at the Apollo, shows commenced at 1pm, 4pm, 7pm & 10 pm every day........... with an additional Midnight show on Saturdays (making 5 shows in all every Saturday). Bet the acts were kn*ckered after those..
  18. The acts were 'trapped' in the Apollo between shows as each full bill had to play more than one show per day at the theatre. ......... WHAT TO DO in all the downtime ??? Well in 1964, the Four Tops would go down into the theatre's basement .... AND ... practice the stage moves for their newest release. They were proper professionals them there Tops.
  19. The (Harlem) Apollo back in the day .... complete with act on stage (looks like amateur night to me) PLUS the audience all in their places ...
  20. ! wonder if Dottie Stern was Maryland's equivalent to Mrs. Mills ?? I guess not, can't see Mrs. Mills ever bashing out a Motown tune on the old ivorys.
  21. Did "Honey Boy" get a mention ........... well it did here, an ad from 1967 ....
  22. A new 45 release from Garnett Mimms gets tipped for big things .........
  23. Late 60's Minit group ............
  24. John Gary Williams & Marvin Smith get mentions in this 1975 mag extract ..........
  25. Did this guy ever amount to anything (record biz wise) ????

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