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Everything posted by Roburt

  1. The Professionals were down from Detroit ......... ... but Eddie Holloway was a local ........
  2. There are also numerous RARE Cd's you know .... ones that only a few copies were made of & they have to be sourced from specialist dealers ... you can't get every CD from Asda's. Back when I was doing most of my buying (building up my collection in the 60's & 70's), I got loads of my stuff from Woolies (they bought in huge numbers of deleted EMI LP stock -- Motown, Stateside, etc + Stax stuff), W H Smiths, Co-op, Boots (every major Boots store had a good Record Dept). I always bought UK release as my preference back then but you could easily get cut-out US stuff at shops such as the UK arm of 'Radio Shack' (was it called Tandys). Walked into the Hull branch of that store (to buy some electronic bits) & there was a rack full of Atco LP's (dozens of copies of Darrell Bank's albums -- course I only bought a couple of copies of em both) for about 20p each. In the 1980's Nottinghamshire discount store Fords (a branch in every town) had 1000's of US soul LP's at 19p each. Record store chains like Fox's (Dony) had permanent import cut-out LP racks (all as cheap as chips), Bradford market had 1000's of US soul 45's at give-away prices. So the 'if you can buy CD's at Asada' argument just doesn't stack up.
  3. I love the above -- the Eddie Holloway track. It has quite a 'Tyrone Davis' feel to it even though it came out (mid 70's ?) after Tyrone's golden period. Eddie must have been about on the Miami soul scene for some years (about 10 to 12 at least) as I have info on him performing back in the mid 60's. Also have a club ad from 1968 when he played the Continental Club (the place where Sam & Dave had first performed together back in 1960) in conjunction with local Sharon Robinson and Detroit's the Professionals .... ... I'll post a copy of the ad in the 'Miami Soul Shows' thread.
  4. Hang on Dave ......... Whilst I agree totally that the accepted norm is as you say ...... RULE 1: DJ's should only play OVO, that's a must, and that's what is expected from the paying public, it's also a foundation block rule of the RARE SOUL SCENE. ......... (personally though I'm not bothered what medium a track that gets me dancing is played off but that's just me). ................. BUT ....... don't forget that this is SOUL SOURCE ... not just NS Source .... so a general soul fan, an oldies soul fan, a (mainstream) 60's soul fan (Stax / Atlantic / Motown) AND most definitely a MODERN SOUL fan doesn't apply the same strict rules ...... any & all MS DJ's can play off whatever medium they like AND OVO never comes into it. If a MS DJ wants to 'mix it up' (like lots of NS DJ's do now by slipping a 70's / 80's track into their playlist) and feature an old NS anthem (that fits) in their set, then not one MS fan would be dashing up to see if he was playing it off OVO. So lets not forget, that whilst rare soul fans make up lots of the Soul Source readership, there are loads of others on here for who RULE 1 just doesn't apply.
  5. Anyone know where Jesse Lee Ferguson & the Outer Limits "New Shoes" was cut ?? As B B Cunningham Jnr was involved, I'd guess it was Memphis (or maybe Nashville) but I'm only going by BB's usual place of work & his studio / label affiliations.
  6. Another show at the New Parisian Room featured Jesse Ferguson & the Gospel Jazz Singers .. ... this outfit later changed their name to Jesse Lee Ferguson & the Outer Limits ... and then again to Jesse Ferguson & the Jet Setters ....
  7. A local female trio ...........
  8. RE: there are some fantastic rare as hens teeth 60s records ... Can't argue with you there, Steve ... " I Just Can't Speak" ain't mega rare but it is an exceptionally good rare soul dancer. Just that I mainly value a track for it's soul content & not its rarity (hence my liking for Jimmy Bo H). There are some great 60's rare soul dance tracks, but I have little interest in em (apart from getting em on CD). I'd rather have 10 to 20 fantastic deep soul sides to play at home than one 'trophy' rare soul dancer (& the cost would be about the same for both).
  9. RE: Roburt why would that be? Do you not like rare / northern soul? Steve, Got into soul via Motown, Otis R, Sam & Dave tracks back in 1965-ish .... my 'initial run' allniter days were all pre-NS era. Always just been a soul fan (plus gospel, & some jazz & blues); never a NS fan. Can't stand many of Wigan era plays. Moved over to the 'dark side' (MS) about 30 years back but still kept many of my old 60' dancers. At a 2 room event (NS / MS), haven't done more than check out the NS room in over 20 years .... but like to watch any soul singer perform live. Given the choice at home, will always put on Impressions, Masqueraders, Billy Stewart, Philly Int, Curtis, Marvin, EW&F, LVD, David Oliver or Luther Ingram (Ko-Ko & later) rather than any NS track that isn't etched into my heart from Mojo / Wheel days. So no; I will take a classy 'cheap as chips' track that features strong soul vocals & a classy backing (brass, strings, etc) from any era over a rare as hens-teeth 60's soul dancer any day. Nor many 'new' great soul singers about these days but there are some Y2K tracks that do have the 'old soul magic' .... hope that there will be many more as I still get a buzz off hearing a new track that oozes soul.
  10. They have quite a few DHSS Hostel's in the area .... I guess they don't rate 5 stars though !!
  11. So the Delrays Incorporated were from Miami (or at least, they recorded there). Anyone know owt bout em (members, when formed & broke up. etc) ???
  12. BTW, no minds will be changed by going over this 'played out' forever re-hashed topic .... ... so every post after the initial one is just a waste of time really. I'm sure CC will not lose one seconds sleep or peace even if every Soul Source member voted for him to be burnt at the stake.
  13. what on earth is wrong with a 'legend' who has moved on, playing an oldies soul set off any format. It was CC that helped build the scene & if he gets asked back for a club revival night (playing stuff he would no longer play in his current sets), then he should be able to play em off owt without people trying to have him hung for doing so.
  14. Ohhh dear ...I am getting sooo bored of the constant hype of OVO DJ's & their personalities!!! I was never star struck and although I respect CC's past exploits in the Strange World of NS, I'd rather hear him play a great jazz or Modern Soul format set than somebody play a rare soul 45 set on OVO.
  15. Lou Barreto sent me a copy of Gloria Jones "Gone With The Wind" in March 2011 on CD and I played it as it was OCDO back then. Now there's a UK 45 with this track on, can I still play it as OCDO or do I have to buy a copy of the 45 to get to play it out ?? ... BTW, I think the OVO issue is a load of pigs-poo, hence my recent posts under this thread !!!
  16. ...... first uk release on grapevine when theres a 60s release in the us is not OVO ...... But I adjust the pitch on the deck controls (slowing it down a few BPM as we're all a lot older now) when I play my ol Grapevine 45's ... I then call it the 'Ro-burk Mix' and as it's an 'original' I can play it as OVO.
  17. Colin did get 'slated' (mainly on here) for daring to DJ at a 70's club revival night and playing off of CD (maybe even CD-R). Most (all ?) Modern Soul DJ's have to play off CD-R as they feature numerous 'down-load' only tracks & these have to be played off CD-R at a soul do. Surely if you have bought a down-load track you are allowed to copy it onto CD without obtaining a special license ? (I always do to ensure I don-t 'loose' the track if my laptop 'crashes').
  18. I'll be lending you my ears ... ... might even have to listen to the last show before I sample the 'Holy Spirit' edition.
  19. Tenor sax man Noble "Thin Man" Watts was from Florida and went to A&M University (1942). After he'd finished college he teamed up with Paul "Hucklebuck" Williams, recording with him for Jax (1952) and playing behind Dinah Washington, Amos Milburn and Ruth Brown on the mid-1950s 'Showtime at the Apollo' TV show. In 1954 Noble signed with DeLuxe, who released the 45 "Mashing Potatoes"/"Pig Ears and Rice". By 1956 he was on Vee-Jay with Paul Williams' band ("South Shore Drive") but signed a personal deal with New York based Baton Records. With his band, Noble enjoyed releases with "Easy Going", "Blast Off", "Shakin" & "Flap Jack", etc for Baton from 1957 to 1959. His biggest track was "Hard Times (The Slop)" which made it onto the US Pop charts in December 1957. Boxer Sugar Ray Robinson had became his manager during the late '50s and remained in this role into the early '60s, Noble leading the house band at the boxer's Harlem lounge. His later releases (during the '60s) for Sir, Cub, Enjoy, Peanut, Jell, Clamike, and Brunswick enjoyed little sales success but he made a comeback in 1987 with a fresh album on Kingsnake (later picked up by Alligator). He was still recording in 1993, by then being signed to Ichiban's Wild Dog label. During the 1960's, he still played loads of live shows and returned to Florida (Miami) for some engagements.
  20. Billy Wells seemed to establish himself in Miami at the same time as Kim Tolliver ... Kim was fetched down there by Sam & Dave after performing with the duo on their nationwide Revue Shows. She seems to have liked Miami (what's not to) & settled there, performing solo shows not connected to S&D. Don't know if Kim (long established on the Cleveland club scene) had anything to do with Billy (also long established on the Cleveland club scene) relocating to Miami, but they were good friends back up in Cleveland in the early 60's.
  21. I wonder if there is film / video footage anywhere of the dance -- the AGENT OO-SOUL -- that Mi Mi & Cal Roberts did ??
  22. Direct from Chicago's 'MUSIC BOX' ...
  23. The cross-dressing Jerri / Jerry Jones .... .. down in Miami from Ohio (though she wasn't originally from there) ... .... a right PAL (associated with BRA) ....
  24. Bob, a few days ago you asked me about Miami groups I wanted details on (been away watching William Bell, so couldn't answer then) .......... ANYWAY .... My original comment wasn't about any particular group .... but there seem to be lots of male & female Miami / Florida based 60's group that we don't know who the members were or when people came & went in their line-ups. Singers who went solo, such as the likes of Snoopy Dean, Paul Kelly, Annette Snell, Clarence Reid we know about which group they came out of coz they were written about during their solo years ... but lots of other local groups seemed to have very high profiles on the local 'white show room' & 'black' club scene without much of anything being known in detail about them. I know Jeff Leimlich's site contains good info, but there are still big gaps. When I asked about Jerry / Jerri Jones little seemed to be known about her time down in Miami (except the info I got from Jerry Williams who produced her Miami tracks) ...ALSO .... Kim Tolliver was an everpresent on the Miami club scene for a few years but nothing much is known about her time there (she was even billed as Kim Tarver for a few months after a type setters error). Not too much is known about another Cleveland guy that had a group down there; Billy Wells (who fronted the Invaders / Outer Limits). His exploits back up in Cleveland are known about ... but not too much (I believe) after he relocated to Miami. But there are numerous other artists (Helen Glover for instance) and groups I'd like to know more about.
  25. I woudn't try anifin on that there Tamla-Toytown label .... that's just a later rip-off of Stateside which was a real OVO label .... the uda un (T/Mot) came after so cain't be OVO .... Same with Atlantic & Stax ... only try playing out wiv London-American label stuff ... And as for Chess ... nope, can only play a US Chess track on UK if its on a Pye International R&B series logo 45.

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