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Everything posted by MrsWoodsrules

  1. What did the Rouser disc make folks? Can't find a link. Aid.
  2. They mostly look like re-issues anyway bar the Pointer Sisters which (I think looks orig). That Coasters is on £42 already! Aid.
  3. Did 'A Clockwork Orange' actually influence the Suedehead look at all? I mean, which came first, the film or the Suedehead style, If that makes sense. Or is it just coincidence that kind of style was adopted by 'the kids' on the street? Aid
  4. Wow, that's well cool, didn't know about this, quick & easy search, bookmarked. Cheers ears. Aid.
  5. When you find yourself on the walking on the hard shoulder of the M6 when you popped out for a loaf. Aid.
  6. I like em as closers, but couldn't have em all night but they have there place Prefer em a bit more uptempo, something like Changing Scene When The City Sleeps does it for me, fairly slow, big production. That said, RH Panic Is On is just class. Aid.
  7. What a great, great record, love Take A Chance too. Aid.
  8. Wow, this is worse, this buyer must have been mental, paid $276 USD. https://collectorsfrenzy.com/details/221104190986/Duke_Browner_Crying_Over_You Aid.
  9. Jesus, over £50 for a boot, can't people shop around & do a little research, just seen original Age Of Bronze go for $50. Aid.
  10. Bobby Charlton parts his hair from under his armpits. Aid.
  11. Alan Gilzean in action. Got to admit though, Ralph, king of the comb over. https://singula.org/offsideflag/index.php?option=com_content&view=section&layout=blog&id=5&Itemid=53&limitstart=14 Aid.
  12. He had a better 'comb over' than Ralph Coates. Aid.
  13. Well, to be honest, wouldn't mind the Sag War Fare or the Two Plus Two. But not originals are they? So it's just pretend. Not a bad idea & to each their own & they seem to be a very innovative label & I do like the box. This T-Shirt from an excellent record shop in Boston looks cool. https://weirdorecords.com/zen/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=1&products_id=9308 At least its an original. Aid.
  14. That's No Way To Treat A Girl, Main Hall, Wigan Casino.....sounded just so fantastic. Aid.
  15. What exactly was this box-set about? I not usually interested in none OVO, but some interesting records here Sag War Fair, Rokk, Two plus Two. Presuming they all legit re-releases & not boots. Just wondering how many records it consisted & how much was it to buy originally? heres a link to the seller, check his other items for other records in the box set. https://www.ebay.com/itm/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=251177778879 Aid
  16. Ain't really alive, ain't really alive, ain't really ain't nothin but a movie. Pure genius. Aid.
  17. Yeah, he was full of clever little play on words. H2O gate Blues, fabulous. Another fav lyric I like...... 'And since John Wayne was no longer available, they settled for Ronald Reagan' Class. Aid.
  18. Don't think he was actually a member Kegsy but he was certainly associated with them & used some of their material I think. Such a sad demise of a great man in the end, proper downward spiral, jail & HIV. Always loved this one.. Aid.
  19. Great Article, always a hero of mine. Reflections, Moving Target were probably my favourite albums by him & a bit more political, a genius & poet IMO. Cool as a cucumber. Aid.
  20. To each their own, but I can't stand it. Aid.
  21. Agree Kegsy, the hard work is actually imputting all that data, unless it could import previously made lists. I manually imput a database of Manships rarest into some aution searching software I have, it took me days & days & was mindnumbingly tedious. Aid.
  22. Wake Up & Be Somebody was my favourite by these, classic Ritz all-dayer track. Bet it still sounds great today, although not heard it for at least a couple of decades & some. Aid.
  23. Doh, you are right, think is was just a typo by the seller, mis-interpeted it. Sorry bout that. Nice record though. Aid.
  24. Didn't know that his name was mis-spelled on the b side of Tear Stained Face, learn something new everyday in the strange world of NS. I see a minter up for grabs tonight. Should fetch a tidy sum that. Aid.
  25. Albert Washington I'm The Man, does it for me. Aid.

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