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MrsWoodsrules last won the day on November 7 2014

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  • Gender
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    Cheshire, united kingdom
  • Interests
    After my family, not in any particular order, Spurs, Alcohol, Rare Soul music, Warrington Wolves & stylish clothes. I have had a great time for the short time we are here on planet earth & plan to continue with that policy as it's served me pretty well up to now & we are a long time dead and there ain't no bar in the graveyard! Aid.
  • Top Soul Sound
    Little Ann, Who Are You Trying To Fool. O.C. Tolbert, I'm Shooting High.

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  1. Hi guys, not been on here for a while. Was only thinking today about the low exchange rate with the dollar. Well I won't be buying from the states or eurozone for a while unless it's a real cheapie as we're getting nothing for our money at the moment & I was wondering if we'll actually get a "reset" on generic prices from the US traders, if this low exchange rate continues? As It's got to hurt them? cheers ears Aid
  2. I've made my view known earlier in this thread, but what some are not taking into consideration is not so much buying as an investment, but when long term collectors find themselves sat on a large investment with a possibility to cash in, they'll (or a lot) want to be cashing in on all that money at some stage in the autumn of life. obviously the big ticket & prestigious items will always command a premium always, don't think anyone is saying otherwise, the rest.., I'm not so sure they'll be enough incumbents on the scene to take up all that slack. Yeah? NS is in a purple patch, I predict a downward curve, let's be honest most are at least in their 50s now, gonna be shuffling of this mortal coil in droves very soon. im talking specifically about the high & sometimes ridiculousness of the prices of mid-range rare (supposedly) NS. Aid
  3. Off topic so I apologise. Quick question, just watching Kojak from 1973 on itv4 right now, one of the actors is Gene Woodbury...... Is it that one of Ever Again fame...?? Did he do any acting? cheers Aid
  4. Going forward, the vinyl scene will depreciate once this generation expires. I know people have said it since year dot about the scene, but the younger generations have the technology & means to hear the sounds they want in the main. I believe they'll be a steep downward curve on prices on all but the proper rare & classics, sooner rather than later. I mean, jump forward 20 years, who's gonna be around paying these ridiculous prices?... no one left, not us mugs. Aid x
  5. Just seen this on evil bay that's why I came over here. Are these people mental? No way is it worth 5k+ mint or otherwise. I know it's mint, but it's not that rare is it? What's going on?
  6. Yeah, well it is was it is, no other venue could or can touch it. As for Russ, he carried no influence on any right minded soul fan, it was all about Richard, and probably Soul Sam & Mr Brady, they were the torch bearers of that time, in those years. And Gods own country is the Northwest, everyone knows that ?
  7. Agree Spot. But at the same time some of the best soul music to ever influence the scene was booming out in the main hall after 2.00am from 79 onward. I could make a list as long as the magna carta that would dwarf anything coming from ANY other venue at that time bar a couple of venues, so it's a double edge sword, the rampant crap commercialism & the great soul, so WC is/was still number one for importance to the scene even with all the crap because it was countered by the brilliance by others even then.
  8. We all like a loveable rogue, unless they are ripping you off personally. Only problem I've got with SS is that he drove standards down in my time at WC. Experimenting with non soul with Russ as his puppet. Not the biggest problem in the world as most people knew that the soul didn't start till Russ got off the stage and he had zero kudos anyway. I'm talking about my time, 79 onwards really. Things may have been different earlier I'm sure.
  9. Great double sider, Feminine Ingenuity on flip, Deceived best track IMO. ........"Walkin round like the living dead"...... Prob the best ever lyrics to a Northern track.
  10. Funny that, thought about Belita Woods when reading down this thread before I seen your post. Always seemed to be trashed too. Great tune though.
  11. The high end market will always survive because it's a targeted luxury brand, but when you start talking about watches for a couple of hundred or less, I suspect that smart watches from the likes if Apple will kill em off in a decade or two, if they apply the technology ways that people, young people especially require, same thing applies to newspapers, these midrange to low end watches will be a thing of the past, or a least irrelevant in the not too distant future.
  12. Great little graphic that. Lorenzo Manley really evokes the club mood too doesn't he? As far as I know Catacombs used be the real deal breaking the sounds & Mecca Stole its thunder as far relaying those great sounds on to bigger a bigger audience. Would have loved to have gone to Cats in its heyday, bet its was really atmospheric. I was way too young unfortunately.
  13. Great record IMO.
  14. Turns out it's cracked! Would have been nice if he'd told us from the start & not waste everyone's time. Ah well, live & learn, at least I learned something bout the record. Thanks guys.
  15. Great, cheers Dave, answered all. And just to be sure, there are no black Gamble boots around?

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