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Everything posted by p0stscript

  1. WHAT!!! - what time scale are they claiming it back over?
  2. wishing him speedy recovery
  3. why when I keep clicking on follow this topic does it lose it the next time I log on?
  4. definitely well done Mazz, and well done Nick - came up trumps again
  5. eagerly awaiting the show and your tunes
  6. on in the background TV for me, my wife likes detective dramas but she says that this program wasn't one of the best - I liked the music
  7. 50p for the meter ready if you need it
  8. Thanks for that...
  9. cold turkey for a while
  10. excellent so far
  11. should be back from brickworks in time
  12. why has that got a patch on it?
  13. cheers for that - not wanting to get off topic but it looked a very good job
  14. nice restoration - what did you use?
  15. you can dispute through paypal, keep email records as proof of correspondence (or lack of it), can take a little while but in my only ever dispute i got my money back. https://www.paypal.com/uk/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=xpt/cps/general/PPDisputeResolution-outside
  16. long drum roll
  17. thanks for playlist Steve, was Jimmy Pendleton the baseball player just doing a 'I'm famous so I'll cut a record' like some modern celebrities? (Katie Price style singing and all)
  18. Steve/Ernie what was the 'pub singer'? - I've got to have it
  19. yes you would...
  20. enjoyed it last night - another good one
  21. sound advice
  22. I'm OK so far, but others have had problems
  23. countdown begins

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