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    Sheringham Norfolk
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    You took my heart Kelly St. Clair

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  1. I received the email and thought it was a scam to get you to click on the link.
  2. Looked through my Ric Tics up to RT 118. Unfortunately I don't Have RT119 or RT105. There is no RT113. 102 Joyce Webb - vinyl - scratched 100 Gino Washington - vinyl - scratched 100 Gino Washington white - vinyl - scratched 101 Freddie Gorman - styrene -scratched 102 Freddie Gorman - styrene -stamped 103 Yellow Agent 00-soul -styrene - stamped 103 Agent Double-o-soul -styrene - stamped 103 Yellow red writingAgent Double-o-soul -styrene - stamped 104 to 108 Styrene-scratched with T1 opposite number 109 S.O.S side stamped Faith side scratched - styrene 110 J.J.Barnes - styrene -scratched 111 Laura Lee D.J. copy styrene -scratched 112 Styrene-scratched with T1 opposite number 114 Headline side Styrene-scratched with T1 opposite number. Harlem side stamped. 115 J.J. Barnes Styrene-scratched with T1 opposite number 116 White D.J. copy scratched with T1 opposite number 117 scratched with T1 opposite number 118 scratched with T1 opposite number I think all are original. I hope this helps.
  3. I thought it would be interesting to see what was tempting people at the moment. Mine was Tommy Sands - Statue - U.K. Liberty promo.
  4. Have you looked at Audio Technica?
  5. It’s interesting to read this seven year old topic. I had noticed there is not much discussion about British on the forum. I collect mainly British now and most of them are mid sixties. It’s a nostalgia thing for me, it was a great time to be a teenager.
  6. Papa true love is a favourite of mine.
  7. Thanks Bruv. That has confirmed it.
  8. Could someone post the tune that was played in the early seventies as The Kid, I never heard it played out at the time.
  9. British and American issue scans.
  10. Some copies have copyright control on and others the publisher’s name. Were both types issued at the same time or is one an earlier release? Rex Garvin Sock it to em has this.
  11. Brings a few memories back. I used to go in there in my lunch breaks.
  12. Very interesting.
  13. One of my favourite sounds.
  14. On my copy the matrix information is scratched in; 2:25 duration side reads FP 411 (crossed out B) A. This is the Torch tune. 2:20 duration side reads FP 411 (crossed out A) B. Both sides have the Bell Sound stamp.

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