Hi Len,
Some good points there. The music will never die out. It's too well established around the world now - we were discussing this on another thread, some fears NS would go the way of doo-wop, which never broke out of it's core fan base in the USA. NS and rare soul is different, thousands of CDs, MP3, supermarket sweeps and the like.
What will change (and has changed already) is the shape of the scene. The old style nights / Niters will gradually disappear, replaced by SAGA weekenders, and ultimately a special old peoples home where you can pay to live in an environment with Judy Street pumping out over the speakers, a "talc friendly" dance floor, NS sympathetic nurses et al.
In the place of the old scene there will be localised new nights - in fact if you go to London there's something on every week now and sometimes more than one gig. Apart from the odd DJ I don't know any of the people at these gigs, they are transient but they all seem to be having a good time dancing and enjoying themselves. They ain't gonna spend 8g on Eddie Parker tho!
Keep smiling, see you soon.
Anyone up for investing for a NS old people's home? I am going to register the name "Oldsoul" just in case
Nice records Saturday man.