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Steve G

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Everything posted by Steve G

  1. Fair points, a playlist gets posted....and is immediately disected, analysed and argued over.....along with the customary personal quips.....it's like the last days of the Roman empire sometimes!
  2. Great PR for Rugby this thread, keep it going lads.....
  3. Hi mark, yes a regular column, as I wanrted someone to write about the stuff being played at Stafford. Only rule was no cover ups so Guy actually first uncovered quite a few of the biggies in that column....Saw Guy Saturday by the way. Steve
  4. Dave, thanks but NO, as my opening post says..... :lol:
  5. Thanks guys. Tash Howard died - she was his act. Ray Dahrouge never heard of her - his only involvement was in the original version of the song by Sammy Jones. Stan, Tom M, and Maye and various others don't know either. But thanks for the ideas.....Bob have the single with a flip called "Big City woman". steve
  6. "Sweeping your dirt under my rug" gal. Can't find anything out about her, anyone know anything? I've spoken to loads of people, but no one has ever heard of her, or remembers who she was. I've got one further source to check, but he's in Costa Rica. Some guesswork on the net about her being in the Mary Jane Girls, but that's not correct and a case of someone adding 2+2 and coming up with 5, since that Ann Bailey (Cheri Wells) was 19 in 1983, so too young to be THE Ann Bailey in 1972. Thanks if you can help. Steve
  7. Artie Wayne who posted the original link is also an all round "good egg". Spoke to him last year, he's not in the best of health, but a good guy!
  8. Some posts been deleted from this thread, or is there another thread running?
  9. Blimee. Good stuff don't know why I have never been....
  10. I posted this the other night when I saw it on the car. The Daddy of all British insects.....a flying Stag Beetle. Check those wonderful pincers!
  11. Yes Queen of My Unioverse. A couple of other 12s too I think?
  12. Seb, Mable came first and yes Boogie Land was on the flip....and Prophonics 2029 yes.
  13. in. Never had it so good - Ronnie Milsap. Great soul and fooled all the radio stations at the time too!
  14. Yes I have seen a venue with a concrete dance floor. And lino is pretty awful too.....
  15. Not really Jim. Love Kenny to bits (where is he by the way) and the only criticism I ever heard was that he was only interested in "trophy" records. Frank Wilson was and still is a "trophy" record.
  16. I think it's good form when reposting stuff to give a credit to the source.
  17. There was a do once under London bridge station at a sh*t hole. Allegedly someone got a rare infection from the wall and nearly died.....Clean armchairs please
  18. RIP Mary Love Comer.
  19. V rare, never even seen a copy for sale.
  20. Happy 80th Tommy!
  21. Yeah they look the same. Never realised it was Canadian before.....
  22. Here it is. Mentions Canada at the top which I didn't notice before. Always loved this! Paul Kyser magic.
  23. Likewise will scan and post mine tomorrow.....Soulgate today!
  24. Bob, I have checked and like you I have it. But on closer examination of the really tiny print around the edge it seems to mention Polydor and therefore is the Canadian one as well. Steve

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