Agreed garethx. Just as sad the fact that Rodney Hall and son won't let anyone near the Fame catalogue. They live under the deluded and parochial belief that no one can afford to pay the true price to re release their priceless catalogue on CD. Meanwhile while they continue tossing around in their own little private world the music is slowly dying. s.
I am not sure at this point whether deep soul will ever come back as a music form. The only venue that plays any is the "Lounge" at SE and you are really down to a hardcore.
With summer coming why not invite a few of us round your gaff for a beer and bar-b-q party- Gouch, Fraser, Gareth, Butch, Dean, Pat etc etc (apologies to those not mentioned). we'll sit in your garden drinking buds and listening to these fine tunes, and you maybe even sell a few