Took an old (but then current) girlfriend to the one with Richard on. Some great tunes played ranging from "First taste of hurt" to Fyza "Poetical love". Mr S was on top form, but all I kept getting in my ear was "this is rubbish can we go yet?".
A top night!
How about the worst journey from Wigan?
I went up once (only once!) on the coach - National Express....forever after it was the train for us.
Coming back on the coach meant - waiting for the old boy to open up Wallgate station - first train from Wallgate to Manny Vic. Hot foot it across to Lower Chorlton St coach station, and then something lime the 11.30 am coach back to London. We stopped at Derby and some senile old boy wandered off so we had to wait 40 minutes while his wife went to find him. Got back to Victoria at about 5 pm, then back home just before 7 pm Sunday. My dinner was cold and I was knuckerd - but that's the sort of thing you do when you're 16
I am sure someone will come on here and say he was a regular at such and such a club. dancer big vinyl collector big face on the scene
Or maybe they won't
Not me Russ - I've done my stints in the US, including Florida, Georgia / Talahassee / West Palm Beach etc. Hard work as you say and in dusty old record boxes...poisonous SPIDERS
I wish too David! I am still hopeful that one day I'll find that "pressed but they were all destroyed but for this one" copy of Veep would complete a gaping hole in my Veep collection...Steve
First went to Bananas in 86. Fantastic then - came out of there with armfulls of 50c 45s. Not only that but the two fit tanned girlies in hot pants behind the counter ordered me a cab back to my hotel as well - never sure whether they just really friendly or were trying to get rid of me
Can't think of an easy way of identifying all second issues as they're all done at different times and it's extremely complex. You need the Manship guide to bootlegs - go on treat yourself for Xmas.