The story on this is it turned up in a box of acetates that I bought from Pat Brady around 1992. They were originally from Tom Moulton I think, and I also think Chris King had got them when he was working on his band's album which Tom mixed. Anyway Chris sold these acetates to Pat for northern as I say 92. I came along and got them off Pat, and they included several different and as it turns out vastly superior versions of issued songs - like Will Hatcher (Wand version) of You haven't seen nothing yet, Joe ANderson You and I, Ghetto Children, Daybreak and Tony Drake. The Tony Drake was just a blank acetate and although I played it as being by Tony through the mid 90s at places I DJed, that was purely a guess on my part. (A good one as it happens).
When I was doing Soul 24-7 c 99 Tony obviously noticed it on a playlist, and got in contact - hey you're playing my song. To cut a long story short I cut him a CDR of the unissued version which he later put out on a 7 as he didn't have that version. The 7" version is the one to have, much better mix (presumably Moulton did it - but guessing there). Tony turned out to be a good guy and he's kept in contact periodically with what he is doing. The original song idea I seem to recall came from living in an apartment and fancying the girl next door, and hearing her boyfriends footsteps coming down the corridor every day.
That's the story.