Wow you "hounds" have been really clever finding out who this is........but I am afraid to say this record hasn't been such a big secret as some of you like to think. Love the great big piece of detective work on here guys - but Tim Brown actually reviewed it in Manifesto about 3-4 years ago uncovered.....if you'd been dutifully reading his column like good boys and could have saved yourself a lot of time and efort........anyway keep googling away
yes think it's the same guy, but always thought the epsilons on shrine were from washington and keni was originally from there.
Before anyone posts the philly group which included McFadden and Whitehead were different.
Shute I have just unwittingly realised that I have given Stef and Russ a new marketing opportunity......Wigan Casino Virtual anniversary. I mean who needs a shopping centre when you can have your event in second life with a real life "Virtual Wigan Casino". Drat!
Ive also heard this too. Apparantly some people in 1965 were confused
also no G&W demos of "it's a shame" - it was just rushed out over here, and whilst there may have been some promotional copies (issues given away), there are no "demonstration" copies
My second guess........It's a virtual event in Virtual world. Go to the Second Life website and you can buy tickets at 35 Linden dollars. There will be 1500 virtual soulies there, virtually dancing, to virtually Vickie Baines.
I've got other ones like that, demos, Simms Twins, olympics being two that spring to mind - they were the last releases on the label weren't they?
MGM distributing
I was looking at that horrible off red colour. Those 70s boots were largely vinyl as I remember.
If it's styrene does it have a Bell Sound / Nashville Matrix or Delta number I wonder?