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Everything posted by Scal

  1. Would Richard Searling...Ian Levine be in invited to a film about "Madchester" man;....would they be interested.......?
  2. More like currying favour in any market....
  3. What have Manny(sic) and Ian Brown got to do with the Northern scene of the '70's?
  4. Monorays and Marie Knight......???????????
  5. Yes, a faux pas, sorry...
  6. I never dooubted your credibility.
  7. If there is one, does anyone think it will go for more than six and a half thousand pounds?
  8. I thought drinks, old blokes and and record labels WAS the commercial record industry?!
  9. Where did it all go so, so wrong???
  10. Used to be on Steve Vickers lists early / mid 70's. As already stated, was played early Wigan.
  11. Pete you are missing out on what could be another hot topic/ yawnfest... "Loony Left Northern Monkeys In Their Miserable Manchester Homes". Noduf.
  12. In the old days bastards like me would have just carried on and waited for the next discovery to replace Ann Perry, Fabulous Jades, Popcorn Wylie, Jodi Mathis......and travel to a club in Blackpool, Todmorden, Wigan. Now all I have to do is turn on a telly, radio or PC....wahey, instant "scene"!
  13. Anyway....b*llocks to The Brits and their pop tunes.... Inspector George Gently is on in a minute..... PROPER NORTHERN!!!
  14. Darrell Banks....killed by an off duty Police Officer in 1970.
  15. Pharrell Williams "Happy".... not 'Northern'.....just insipid, bland, chart twaddle.
  16. So, as well from being of pensionable age I am now a person of uncertain parental lineage, put in my place by a keyboard enthusiast. Your comments are borne of the spotify, two dimensional, instant recognition of propinquity. If you want to play to the audience like a judge on a cheap Saturday evening talent pantomime dross-a-thon then you are nearly ready to be famous. Obviously you are the most soulful person in the history of soulfulness and your love of Northern is paramount as you strive to reach music nirvana; could I ask you, as you are a Guru of Northern Soul....... Pharrell Williams "Happy", is it the first 'Northern' record you heard......where did you 'discover' it, on the telly, radio or your PC.
  17. Where did it all go so, so wrong?!!
  18. ...."The End Of The World".....
  19. "Step Into My Heart" is as good as some of the old blue eyed revived stuff of recent times.... e.g. Paul Anka "When We Get There."
  20. Gary Lewis and The Playboys "My Hearts Symphony" (Liberty). It will have your beer towel wringing wet!!!
  21. The Masqueraders "I Got The Power" (La Beat).
  22. Terrible Tom.
  23. The Vondells.
  24. Or the unexpected through the door, a few of us back in the 70's who got on with people like Colin Curtis used to get addresses off their records. So when stuff from Jeanie Tracey, Oscar Perry and Jack Fishback (Inner Section) land at your Mum's it's a good day. The thing is that these weren't worth a lot back then...top records at the time...but expected to be available soon......they all were....Inner Section was eventually a £1-£2:00 record back then...I now see Inner Section for lots of money, I scratch my bald head now!

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