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Everything posted by Scal

  1. Maybe they should have had a more specific title like.... "The Youth Club" or "What Are Those Kids Up To Out There?" maybe "Bouncing Up And Down On Pissed Mattresses In Dog Shit Alley" or even . "Get The Consultants In, We've Got A Budget To Blow!"
  2. I went to the pictures last Friday to see "Northern Soul", the cinematography was pretty good, no, it was excellent, as were the costumes, props, settings and dialogue. Recreating that era of forty years ago was always going to be a challenge, and again very well done. I appreciate that this wasn't a Hollywood backed jaunt into the past, so top marks for all the above, very authentic. Initially as the film plotline(s) loped off I got the distinct impression that I had seen this story before, this time it was just a more elaborate and better made film. But by the end of my journey into nostalgia I was wondering what was all that about really, what was the story, plot, outcome? It seemed to me that someone had had a massive decade long brainstorming session with many and varied parties, pulling in every piece of reference; records, characters, nuances, urban myth and innuendo and then just dressed up the bullet points, leaving us with just an animated list ? To finish, the chronolgy was all over the place, just look at the record aspect...it should have been of paramount importance not to have got that wrong, they did. And the actual ending.....???? A collage that became a list that ended up in a directionless fairytale. This is my review of the film, not a debate, for once I may have stuck to the Topic.
  3. I will post my open and honest review of the film on Monday, when I have access to a PC.....we are getting broadband connection tomorrow here in Burnsworth....it is such a "Sh+thole"!
  4. Are you the PCSO of the set up, thought the "Authorities" may at least of sent out an officer who was a little more 'cock'sure with himself, maybe of a Tartan hue, but I guess that one is deskbound these days!?
  5. Sorry about having a view or opinion... I just don't know why Web sites and threads exist. By the way, what is your rank in The Soul Police?
  6. She/it was portrayed as being about The Scene at THAT time....now she is THE GO TO GIRL...along with Stansfield et al....but they weren't there! How is the weather in Holland?
  7. She WASN'T there!
  8. Well I think it is very, very pertinent...dear chap. Apart from the merits of the film....she was touted as being "one of us"....however it transpires that she didn't attend the time she portrays....a bit like being in the Free Trade Hall in Manchester when The Sex Pistols performed...but actually not being in there! Now do you get my drift????
  9. When exactly did Elaine go t'Casino? And for how long?
  10. I had loads of them, she sent me a lot of copies, it was in Black Wax and Contempo along with Dorothy Morrison. I gave my Mum a copy, I couldn't get rid of it....more than a handful in the '70's in the same hand meant that it wasn't rare, and more copies were just around the corner. I flogged Neil Rushton around 13 copies at The Ritz for about £1:00 each.
  11. So now I get why we have a price guide....so that we are up to date with the latest values. Tell me, as I am a naive soul, who produces the tome of "expert" knowledge....???
  12. Let's get some things correct here, Jeanie Tracey, Ray Pollard not rare by any means, in demand maybe. The Delreys Incorporated not rare. What next, Andrea Henry going for £700+?
  13. No,no,no.....are these people insane.....way over the top.....madness! Dosen't do the Scene any favours at all, it's all negative.
  14. Most certainly, but this time not bother taking it to Station Road.....................in fact now that we live in a far more environmentally friendly world I could easily dispose of it in the correct recycling bin..................the one marked, "absolute SHITE!". There, now off to polish my sandals have a ton of muesli and read the Grauniad.
  15. I have just listened to Tommy Dent "Soul Thing" (Cobblestone)....absolute SHITE! Crap like that was found, played, and discarded after the first few bars and put where it belonged, in a dustbin or down a grid.
  16. I have just listened to Tommy Dent "Soul Thing" (Cobblestone)....absolute SHITE! NOT NORTHERN!!!
  17. Just had a quick scan at your record label/disc archive.....right up my street......makes a 2D thing almost 3 dimensional. Brilliant!
  18. "The same old faces, the same old faces"........although very nice to see Colin Curtis looking healthier than me now; in the 1970's he looked like he could've done with a good meal.
  19. Wasn't just Groove City/Soul Bowl....Global Records in Manchester, FL Moores in Leighton Buzzard, Selectadisc in Nottingham, Contempo on Hanway Street....Blackgrape.....Record Corner....Jim Dobbs-Oldham/Huddersfield/Bradford markets. There were loads and loads of imports here....the initial "heads up" for the American dealers was when some Brits started putting adverts in 'Goldmine' and 'Discoveries' saying that they would pay X amount for specific titles.
  20. Wasn't in Newton Heath was it?
  21. Have the courage of your convictions, if you buy a record because you like it, then you pay what it is worth to you, surely? You will know what the parameters are! If you are a shark trying to rip someone off, well, that has gone on since day one....and will continue anyway. Price guides.....great for reference and nice to peruse.....but they are only up to date for a split second....then they become dated. A luxury; the information can be referenced elsewhere via mass media and communication systems...it is 2014, wake up!

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