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Everything posted by Scal

  1. I think to find stuff like that these days is pretty good....IMHO. Another point that I didn't make was that a lot of records were turned over, that is to say bought from the states and swapped, sold, put into the system....once pressed....worthless. Initially I never collected.....the scene was fast and furious.....get a contemporary, unpressed record and move it on.....time was tight...no telling what was going to be bootlegged or be released legitimately....once no longer exclusive the sound was dead!
  2. As a matter of interest....what was the last thing you found?
  3. It is great to get a disc through the post and all that. However a long time ago, when I was more active, the records were in front of you at clubs and stalls/ shops. The t'interweb has made it harder to get good deals. The sellers can be circumspect in their gradings and everyone wants top wack! To return stuff is a ball ache.....so in the end you just jack! And really all that happens is you get the record, stick it in a box.....within a week you forget you have it.....and it never gets played again.....coz it's too much mither looking for it!!!
  4. If you are really interested in what records and productions Dennis Coffey has been invoved with have a look at his book, "GUITARS, BARS AND MOTOWN SUPERSTARS" University OF mICHIGAN Press 2004. It's a good C.V.
  5. Well known in the early/mid 70's....one for the Detroit completists. It's been around for decades and even used to feature on club ads "come and hear sounds like".......... A bit pedestrian for the time compared to G. Davis & R. Tyler, Bari Track, Double Cookin', Rhino, Black Ship To Hell........ More Hot 'n' Heavy All Stars on Arc Lark than Frankie Loveman Crocker on Turbo! IMHO.
  6. Sorry, U.K. = "Treasure Island"?!
  7. England = "Treasure Island"....!?
  8. "Not like that....just like that!" Has he got a Fez yet? Just harking back to the halcyon days......it wasn't all Salvadors; Jades; Joe Matthews......
  9. Wigan's Ovation "Skiing In The Snow" Ruth Swan "Tainted Love" Sounds Of Lancashire "Footsee".
  10. Just a pity that a rare British record is damaged like that.....at least you haven't lost out financially. I suppose you can only do your best to "repair" it, personally I would leave it....c'est la vie!
  11. I did once have the SATFS on Columbia; but Les Pommes Frites....come on! Anyway I seem to remember Colin Curtis playing this....... ffs!
  12. Sorry to pull you up......it is utter tosh.....however, each unto his own.
  13. I think the first thing to ascertain here is how did the centre detach itself from the rest of the disc. If it is a British original I would be a bit upset! Had it previously been repaired?
  14. Used to play Tommy Rodgers at Urmstom Liberal club early 90's. Along with Tommy Ridgeley, Connie LaVerne, Barbara Acklin on Special Agent, Calvin Grayson, Sea Shells, Nicky Newarkers, Seminoles on Mid Town.....we used to get about a dozen people in on a good night! Maybe the records were crap????
  15. "Thunder" Lord Thunder (Deluxe).
  16. Dosen't "The Spy" Guys From UNCLE (Swan) have a cold/dead finish???? I may be wrong!
  17. Who could forget Russ's biggie Smoky and The Fabulous Blades "Jerk Baby Jerk" (DORÉ).
  18. Never mind, you aren't the only one.
  19. You must have the very rare edited version....the last ad lib goes; "...just what i'm talkin' bout lil girl..." there is then a sax burp and the music ends....dead!
  20. They DON'T fade out.....I think that is the criteria. Could be wrong though.....my memory is fading!
  21. Ronnie and Robyn "As Long As You Love Me" (SIDRA) "Sidra's Theme" Instrumenkal.
  22. They used to abort the end of the record, before it slowed......it wouldn' t have gone down otherwise.

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