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Everything posted by BrianB

  1. Can't agree with that at all. Don't ever remember going to any all nighter or venue in 74 (when I think PA was first played) that played s..t all night?
  2. Hi Gordon, This is not the photo on the front of Too Darn Soulful. It is similar to the one on the front of Soul Survivors, but not the same one. Brian B
  3. Hi Jocko I think Ian D captured it better than me with the Ski ing in the Snow/Wigans Ovation cover. There is no doubt people came to northern do's on the back of that. No one buying this now from the "mainstream" public will go to the Burnley all nighter after listening to the CD. Northern soul was in most tabloids at some stage from 75 to 77, and clearly, whether we liked it or not, on the TV as well. Same in the 80s and 90ts. I have bought some painstaking compilations off Pete Smith, where he has every TV clip of Northern exposure in the 80s 90s and 2000. No wonder the public is aware of Northern Soul, it was featured on Granada Reports alone 4 times last year. People at my work and my non soulful friends have no real knowledge of the Casino from 74 to 77. However, like a hell of a lot of people they have heard of the Casino full stop. I agree it is one of the best oldies compilations I have seen. Top marks to the compiler. Hopefully the artists/writers etc. might see some money from it, because I know one thing about our scene, they don't see any money when a record is sold and resold for various amounts of money on e bay or at a venue, so with that in mind I hope it sells thousands! Thanks and enjoy your weekend. Brian
  4. Miff, We have been in the mainstream since around 1975, This will not make the slightest bit of difference to the scene. The plainest, least coolest people I work with have all heard of NS. This won't entice them to the Burnley all Nighter or the Torch Revival. You can sleep easy. Brian
  5. Tell you what guys, some of the "jokes" in this thread about Stevie are the absolute lowest of the low. Suppose it is not a good time now to ask a favour(!) but can some kind soul post a clip of Stevie singing the Love Theme from Romeo and Juliet from the Stevie Wonder Live LP? Had the LP in the late 60ts early 70s, but sold it. That track has always stuck in my mind, and I haven't heard it since then. It is by no means northern, but reverting back to the thread, no one ever intentionally made a northern record, (except for IL and Co), so how can we blame Stevie for moving away from the 60ts Motown beat, when the whole crux of his career has been the fact that he was and is an innovator. I don't remember anyone slagging Edwin off for his disco stuff when he used to appear at our clubs, why pick on Stevie? Thanks in advance for the clip
  6. Ginger's all time personal fave is Right Track He is one of the most genuine DJs on the scene He was there in the beginning and is still there How can you slag a book you haven't read, and a bloke you haven't met As someone rightly said earlier, if its not for you, don't buy it. He had a lot of time for my lad when he was starting out on the scene, and still asks about him. Thanks, Brian
  7. This is me to a T. I listen to Northern and Motown every day without fail. At least an hour, sometimes 2 or 3. I read about it, study it, its my major passion after my family, and on a par with mountain/hill walking. I don't like any other type of music, or watch tv, I just don't listen to it, and am just not interested in it. A bit sad I suppose really?
  8. You never hear Check Yourself Soul Bros 6. What a great record and perfect for todays scene.
  9. Hope we Have. The Artistics, Jamerson again.
  10. James Jamerson on Bernadette.
  11. It depends on when you went. From early 74 to 76 you always heard the Salvadors, Rita DaCosta, Little Anthony, Panic, Adam Apples etc, etc. The dance floor was just always full.
  12. I know it says one track, but I honestly cannot separate Frankie Beverley if Thats What You Wanted, and Love, Love, Love. Bobby Hebb Motown is Stevie Wonder's version of I Hear a Symphony. I can't even admit to myself which is the best.
  13. Only one winner here....Burnley.
  14. Hi Did it go for 25k in pounds, dollars or euros? Ta, Brian
  15. Hi Guys, Any chance of posting the probable listing? Thanks, Brian
  16. Its false. He jumped off to dance to World Without Sunshine, Sandra Phillips on Broadway.
  17. Brilliant.
  18. Love is a girl like you babe, so warm and oh so tender, Love is a power baby thats making me surrender. When I look into your soft eyes I melt like candy jam, I'll do anything to please you, yes anything I can. Beat that!!!!!
  19. Do the records spin the opposite way south of the equator?
  20. Hi Tony, I would NEVER question you, Pete S, Ian D and many others on here, so thanks for the correction. However, I need to get my books out, as I have also seen "my" quote intimated by someone else other than Frank W, but your logic is absolutely correct. I have never understood why some of Ivy Joe's stuff didn't come out. I love his studio take of Desperate Situation, and one of my all time faves is Where Were You. Also love his recently issued (by Jo) version of Lovin You is Sweeter Than Ever. Something about his plaintive voice just touches my soul!
  21. The reason Berry went off on one and pulled it was because he wanted his writers to be writers, his singers to be singers, and producers to be producers. The one thing it isn't, (and I'm not a big fan of it) is a crap record. In the early 70s La Brenda Ben was supposed to be Martha Reeves.
  22. Somewhere I have a tape from the Pendelum. I let a guy from Burnley borrow it and I am not sure if I got it back. Side 1 is perfect, but side 2 is very quiet. I can only remember The Marvelettes Only Your Love can Save me, (great handclapping on this!) Leslie Uggams, Love is Good Foundation, and Levi Jackson Beautiful Day being on it. If I can find it, I'll ask Pete S or Mark F if they can copy it on to CD. I don't have a tape player any more! I remember the White Lady bus Phil! Haven't a clue how we got back to Burnley, but nobody ever worried about getting back from a venue, just as long as we arrived!. Also remember how cool we looked. Black Baratheas, Levi Sta Prest and Royals. it was definitely a Friday night gig. Great times!
  23. Hi Paul, I have it. Call in on Sunday and I'll have it on a CD for you. I also love Where Were You by him. Why it has not been played is totally beyond me. Any chance of the photos on a CD?
  24. I agree with Pete S. Even if it is a wind up, or someone trying to make a few bob, most of the replies have just been downright rude. The film, if not a wind up, will still be made, whether we have any input or not. If you contribute and it is not a true reflection, then you have a right to criticise. If you do not contribute and it is crap, you really can't complain, because you had a chance to make it authentic/true reflection and chose not to. If the guy is sincere about making the movie, I wonder what he thinks of the people on the Northern Soul scene from the replies he has received? The funny thing is, if he went to a venue and asked the same questions, most of you would bend over backwards to help him.
  25. Its another Burnley guy called Ian Magnall. His brother Chris is also on the photo. Ian is leaning into Gary Stansfield, also from Burnley. Ian had them sidies at school when he was 14! He wasn't really into soul, more progressive style music, but he always enjoyed going to Wigan.

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