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Everything posted by BrianB

  1. Road to Ruin!
  2. Record Bar in Burnley had all the Out Of the Past blue boots as they were "issued" . The Record Exchange in Burnley was where you picked up the real deals, Saxie Russell demo, Personally on Polydor, Tainted Love Champion demo, and loads of others. The Electron which is still going strong, was where you got the latest Motown and all the oldies for 2 bob or so. I used to visit Spin Inn every month or so, and I had a mate (Hopper!) who worked in London who would bring some unbelievable bargains home at weekends. Happy Days eh?
  3. Point taken Rod, and may I say a far more constructive and readable reply than one or two of your previous ones? I can verify that Pauls mates aren't like the ones you have seen in Skipton, and we have all seen this type of youth over the years, and yes we all want to fill 'em in. However, I think Paul is saying that someone hearing northern for the first time on Russ's show (and I was there at Wigan and the Mecca at the same time as you) are the ones who won't be converted by hearing Russ's outlook on life. I fully agree that the ones who have a predisposition to the music will seek it out. Paul means the out and out novices. (I think). ATB Brian
  4. I may be wrong here, but I don't think I have been as embarrassed by such a pedantic, ill-informed and pathetic range of replies in my time on Soul Source. I can plainly see that our scene will flourish in the future with good guys like yourself around to encourage new blood on to the scene. Actually, I've just thought about it and I'm not wrong, my first statement is correct. You calling Paul a tosser smacks of Pot, Kettle and Black. All the best, Brian
  5. Wherever he went from 73 onwards he was surrounded by hangers on. As Pete says, everyone threw bits of paper at him with their names on, or wanting a plug for their venue. How big was he? 5ft 8". LOL. He was not as big or as well regarded as Mr Godin, but probably more popular than Tony Cummings from Black Echoes, certainly on the Northern scene. The cool guys avoided him, only the newbies or hangers on spoke to him as a general rule. Mark Thanks again mate!!!
  6. Paul, Being a bit of an expert on 3 black puddings and all day on the fair for 3 bob, I feel I must agree with your post. The music is fine, its the way it is put over. I am also on the look out for a whippet (really) so does this bar me from future correspondance on this post? Send em a tape son, what have you to lose?
  7. Cheers Ken
  8. Donald Pleasance as Richard Searling?
  9. Thankfully, a lot of people, otherwise we could suppress over half of Soul Source immediately. Deffo The Sherries and Dottie Cambridge.
  10. Don't laugh too much, but I've heard worse. Listened to Ton Of Dynamite today. How crap was that?
  11. Good morning Russ, Is your "inspired" reply due to the early hour it was written, or is it just the usual type of defence put forward by the cohort who want to keep everything to themselves? ATB Brian B
  12. Sweeter Than The Day Before... The Valentinos??
  13. Hi Shane, Off the top of my head, Baby I Need Your Loving Ain't No Mountain High Enough M&T I'll Always Love You The Spinners I've Passed This Way Before JR This Old Heart of Mine Isleys My World is Crumbling Brenda By the way, most of these are not in my list of Motown Faves, but bloody hell, just listen to them as dispassionately as you can, and marvel at the brilliance. How lucky are we???
  14. The Al Kent, Lorraine Chandler (all of 'em), Yvonne Baker and the Vel-Vets records are simply stunning arrangements, productions and performances. If you ever wanted to explain Northern Soul passion, not the genre, to anyone, these are the ones to do it. Good thread Shane, but Motown also takes some beating!
  15. I know we have discussed this before, but what right has anyone, for any reason, to cover up a record and keep it covered up? Its our music, performed by the Artist to be heard. Not for selfish DJs who want to protect the rarity of a record for their own, eventual, personal gain or reasons. No matter what anyone says, you won't convince me this is right.
  16. 100 Pounds of Pain. Was it Lenny Welch?
  17. Hey Girl Freddie Scott must be the slowest ever?
  18. God morning Bev! Eric was at the Cricket Club right at the start, around late 72 early 73? Were you there when Frank Elson came down and only interviewed the absolute d...heads? Some good people around then, Brad, The Tod Crew, Keith Ridge, the formidable and large Burnley crew, and occasionally a large Blackpool and Yorkshire mob, not forgetting Fuse, Judy, Toofy and the rest.
  19. What a tremendous reply Neil. Couldn't agree more. Motown for me, followed by RCA, but the contribution of the lesser Detroit labels cannot be overlooked. What talent tyhere was outside Motown in Detroit, and clearly recognised by Mr Gordy.
  20. I know nothing about the Jam, but I heard World Column at the Casino in late 75 early 76. Wasn't that before the Jam?
  21. I have read so many references to the Jam since I joined Soul Source, that even a dyed in the wool, totally Northern Soul and Motown only, junkie like myself realises that I will upset some people here, but what is the attraction with The Jam? To be honest I think they are poor. The music has nothing to do with Northern Soul and I just can't see the attraction. I've been on the scene since 70/71, so I missed "the Jam route onto the scene", but I can't see how listening to this type of music would turn anyone on to Northern? I am not trying to put them, or anyone's taste in music down, I am honestly mystified by this. Shall I put a tin hat on?
  22. I'm trying to view it at work. If I click on play I get a "watch" or "share" icon. When I click them nothing happens. How do I view 'em?
  23. Tony, You printed exactly what I was going to say. Average age of the Burnley crew from 68 to 77 must be 50, with loads at 55 ish, the old Wheel crew. I am Mecca and Torch vintage. There were loads of people older than me on the scene then, particularly when Wigan first opened and the Mecca was at its peak. It was be seen and not heard!
  24. Looking at the instrumentals listed here, its no wonder no one plays 'em any more!!

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