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Everything posted by BrianB

  1. Sorry to be pedantic but 6 by 6 was the Wheel. How about Uptight, So Hard Being a loser, Come on Back to me baby, Whole lot of shakin goin on in my heart, Got to have you back (Isleys) and what two can easily do?
  2. Thank you for that. I prefer the Alan Slutzky version myself. Shame he knows zip.
  3. Higher and Higher. When I was sat in my bedroom in 69 and 70 aged 15 I played this, Sweet Soul Music, stuff from Best of Bell, all the Chart busters tracks, Otis etc, etc. But none of them ever did it for me even then. I needed the harder stuff now known as northern. What track did you play at the start of your northern career that you thought you should play because it sounded right, but really it didn't do it for you?
  4. He was a rescue dog. He has had 3 owners before us!
  5. First day of owning Spike. He just took over from day one.
  6. Thanks Peter. He is a really good lad. They really are great company mate.
  7. I love that Volume 6. Takes me back to my school days. Its so hard being a loser is one of my favourite motown sounds. Had the lp around 71 but let someone borrow it. Never seen it since!
  8. About time that the Paramounts was reactivated. First heard it at Wigan early 74. Great record, probably not the best lyrics though.
  9. Apologies for spelling Richard's name wrongly. I had had a few and my fingers are a bit too big for the phone keyboard. The extended versions are well worth a listen, but in my opinion, not on a radio show hosted by one of our leading DJs. I mean, who else is listening at 10pm on a Friday night, so let's hear our stuff.
  10. Hi Steve. Not sure what you mean.It was definitely played then. It really grabbed my attention, as it was only the second time I had ever heard it. The first time I heard it was at Burnley Rose Rooms Tuesday night Rare Soul nights in late 71 or early 72. I'm not sure who played it, but the DJS were Tony Jebb and Ian Levine when Tony let him have the odd half hour spot. I loved it on first hearing but never heard it again until that night. Are you saying it wasn't played until later or was Samantha's in 76 onwards? Cheers Brian
  11. I went 3 or 4 times in 75 with Drew from Bury and Jimmy Belcher from Bacup. I got the bus to Drews house, train to Manchester, train to Sheffield and into the pub. Fell out with the disco crew as they left the early session and up the stairs we went for a great night. Same journey home in the morning, and all I can remember from the 3 nights is hearing Al Kent The Way You Been Acting Lately! That wasn't very helpful was it!
  12. I agree that some of the extended tracks are technically excellent. The 8 minute long Bernadette, which seems to have disappeared from you tube was fascinating. I think it was done by using the original vocal and the bass lines from the Standing in the Shadows of Motown version. I was really frustrated listening to Radio Manchester on Friday night for a couple of reasons. One was certainly the OVO argument, and it was disappointing to hear the generally excellent show resort to playing these when there are so many underplayed/seldom heard records that could be played. Secondly, I hate to hear DJs talk over intros and then turn the volume down on the last 30 seconds (or longer) to talk over that as well. Play fewer records if you have so much to say, but lets hear the artists not the DJ. So when he played these extended versions in full, maybe around 9/10 minutes, and then cut off the real thing I lost it! "Our" artists went into the studios hoping to make a few bucks, maybe get on the radio, even be famous if they were incredibly lucky, and to cut them short whilst bulling up some cut and paste artist, (no matter how talented) as incredible, does our music a great disservice. We were the people that heard these records, took them from obscurity, and even if only on a small scale, gave the writers, artists and record company ten, twenty and thirty or more year later, some well deserved recognition and on occasions, well deserved and probably much needed money. Lets keep the original music at the heart of our scene, and leave this stuff, no matter how good it is on the internet. Cheers Brian B
  13. Why oh why is he playing extended versions of Motown classics such as This Old Heart of Mine and Tears of a Clown on his radio show that any halfwit can listen to on YouTube. They are terrible, put together by a HDH/Norman Whitfield wanna be. Embarrassing.
  14. The Electron is still going strong and was the record shop in the Northern soul movie. They put the listening booths back on the wall for the film.
  15. I looked at the link for the CD and it was£100, which is a bit more than I am willing to pay for a CD. However once again the friendliness of the northern soul scene has shone through and a member has offered to send me a copy. so a big thanks to Kev 70 for his kindness. I suppose I shouldn't be surprised, but it is really nice to be on a scene where people genuinely care about others and are willing to help total strangers. Thanks Kev
  16. Thanks for that. Unfortunately I can't afford it at the moment!
  17. Thanks Peter 99!
  18. Just listened to Richard on Radio Manchester and heard David singing That World I lived in. Anyone got any info on this? It's new to me and I couldn't find it on you tube after the show. Thanks in advance. Brian
  19. Thanks mate. I deliberately waited all weekend to see if anyone posted about this. Can't believe I missed that post!
  20. I may have misheard this, but on Saturday's Sounds of the Sixties, in his new, regular (Shades of Alan Partridge) Northern Soul feature, Brian Matthew played Carstairs, He Who Picks a Rose and I'm sure he said that it was "first played at The Golden Torch that was situated in the North Yorkshire Market town of Clegheaton". Apologies if I did mishear it, (I'd had a pint or two Friday night), but if I did hear it correctly it shows how some researchers get paid decent sums of money for very little. Am I alone in thinking that these type of errors occur far too often on the BBC?
  21. Hi SS. Is there any supporting evidence of this claim of Tonys? I have to admit that I have not heard of the 2 bass players in the studio before. Thanks.
  22. Sorry Yank. Hadn't seen this when I posted. It hadn't updated on my phone.

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