I agree that some of the extended tracks are technically excellent. The 8 minute long Bernadette, which seems to have disappeared from you tube was fascinating. I think it was done by using the original vocal and the bass lines from the Standing in the Shadows of Motown version.
I was really frustrated listening to Radio Manchester on Friday night for a couple of reasons. One was certainly the OVO argument, and it was disappointing to hear the generally excellent show resort to playing these when there are so many underplayed/seldom heard records that could be played. Secondly, I hate to hear DJs talk over intros and then turn the volume down on the last 30 seconds (or longer) to talk over that as well. Play fewer records if you have so much to say, but lets hear the artists not the DJ.
So when he played these extended versions in full, maybe around 9/10 minutes, and then cut off the real thing I lost it! "Our" artists went into the studios hoping to make a few bucks, maybe get on the radio, even be famous if they were incredibly lucky, and to cut them short whilst bulling up some cut and paste artist, (no matter how talented) as incredible, does our music a great disservice.
We were the people that heard these records, took them from obscurity, and even if only on a small scale, gave the writers, artists and record company ten, twenty and thirty or more year later, some well deserved recognition and on occasions, well deserved and probably much needed money. Lets keep the original music at the heart of our scene, and leave this stuff, no matter how good it is on the internet.
Brian B