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Everything posted by BrianB

  1. Please tell me this is a wind up, that 2 members on here do not know the difference between the Vel-Vets and the Velvelettes!! If it is a joke, you got me. Otherwise I am flabbergasted!
  2. I'm On My Way on Radio 2 at 7.15 this morning. Sounded great on our works tannoy system!
  3. Why is he a little overdone? Is he now not receiving his dues. A typical Soul Source response. Would you say that to his face?
  4. But Steve, You would take away the glory of the guest DJ walking in at 9.30 - 10.30 ish with the record box and entourage in tow, and everyone looking at them as they walk purposefully towards the bar or stage, ignoring everyone who dares to look at them! You and Linda are there before the promoter!
  5. The very same. Knocked about with him for about 6 months off and on. We used to go to Wigan and Samanthas with a guy called Andrew (Drew) from just outside Bury, but most of the time I was with the Burnley crew. Drew had this Bondmobile that only fit 2 in, so we used to go around with Jill from Edenfield, who would fit us all in her mini. Jill was great. She'd take us to Burnley away games and then to the Mecca or Wigan. Haven't seen Jimmy since those days, nor Drew.
  6. I had the habit in 74 o going to the Mecca, coach to Wigan, as did many others. Had all the usual crap, coach getting stopped and searched, odd occasion all down to the nick for questioning, bloody ridiculous really. Anyway, been out all day in Blackpool one of the lads 21st, into the Mecca, out of it drinkwise by 1am, onto the Casino coach absolutely p.....d. Mr Ms opened and I was in between Ms and the main room, with both doors being held open, talking to Judd from Leigh, who was lying on the floor on a baaad acid trip, listening to him, hearing different records from 2 sources, with a real wobble on. For the only time in my life I was about to faint. Drew from Bury and Jimmy Belcher sort of carried to Drews Bondmobile (!!) and put me in it where I slept til around 5. Had to then convince Hilda I'd already paid, as I'd been carried out, and hit the floor. Went to the baths after, played footy in the afternoon, and out in Burnley at 7pm. Did it really all happen like that, every weekend, from 74 to 77?
  7. I might need some help on this, but I remember seeing an article somewhere, about a top flight goalkeeper, (Might have been with Forest?). He was photographed with his wife and a collection of 45s and LPs. All of them Motown or Northern. Anyone else remember?
  8. Ike Turner. Musical genius? Not in my book. Misogynist and wife beater? Yes. The lowest of the low in my estimation. Sorry he has died, but he is not sorely missed by me.
  9. Dave Moore (Buenas Tardes. Como Estas?) is right. It wasn't a place that soulies from Burnley went to. I only went once with my ex bird, cos her dad knew the owner, and we got a late free drink there one Tuesday night. Musically it was evrything I have ever hated about that type of scene, and don't get me started about whistles. Burnley being as it was, it was also the scene for fun and games outside around 2am, as the locals didn't like strangers in town!
  10. Thanks Dave, Are you OK if I ask Kev to tranfer it to CD? If you are I'll try to get round a little quicker than I did for the magazines!
  11. Can anyone give me the lowdown on this? Usual things - When/where recorded/label/where first played/ and of course how much? Thanking you knowledgeable people in advance, Brian B
  12. I bought one from Blues and Soul for a fiver in 1970. Can't remember too many of them, but Youre Everything by the Showmen was in there, as was Hold On by the Radiants.
  13. Thank you for pointing my typo out Paul. I must admit, I am surprised being a successful playwright, (and the play WAS excellent...saw it twice)that you are not very literate, but the small "i" gives us a clue I suppose.
  14. This scene has always had people who will rip you off, sell you bootlegs as originals, sell dodgy gear, pinch your coat/records/drinks, and at Wigan and other venues, rob you. Why pick on KR? I don't know the guy, never met him. I went to Blackpool both times. I should have had a better time than I did, 'cos of the repetition of records, and far too many 70ts in the main room. Did I feel ripped off? No I didn't. I might go next year, probably won't. Its called Choice! Is John Manship ripping people off? Are his books widely read? Why slag KR and not David Nowell? I know he has his enemies, but you are not being fair. As I said before, if you feel strongly about KR don't buy the book, and don't go to the venues. Paul, why do you always use bold type or capitals? I'm sure you know the "shouting" inference, and e mail etiqutte?
  15. Paul, How did you research your play? Did Wigan Casino re-open for you? I also think that people like Ian D, Butch, Soul Sam and Richard S need to be careful. When you put a certain amount of time into starting venues, or reach a certain amount of time as a DJ on the scene, or God forbid in our capitalist democracy, make money by providing a service, it seems you become a pariah and an outcast. The current ones are Kev Roberts, Ian Levine and Russ Winstanley. No I must be wrong there, because Chris Waterman (Hi Chris, long time no see) got some stick a couple of years ago, because he was fairly new on the promoting side, and was accused of making money out of the scene. The book is fine for those who want to buy it. If you don't like it, don't buy it. If you like new films, do you rant and rave about people still liking the Shining or the Godfather? Probably not. Whats the difference, or is there only one opinion to be listened to on here Paul?
  16. First heard this in 1971 on a tape of sounds being played at the Wheel. Always loved it, and always will. I also love I've Lost You, but YBAACIM is the best Jackie Wilson track played on the scene by a country mile!
  17. You seem to know me very well? You are right when you assume that I am not arrogant. However, you are off the mark to suggest I live in the early 70ts musically, and it is not me who has a 70ts footballer as his avatar. I do respect other peoples musical choice, but don't expect me to pay good money to attend a Northern Soul night and then be pleased to be inundated with someone trying to make me like funky type records, or modern, or crossover. The term Northern Soul has been hijacked, and people are trying to make it almost like one of the Stateside events written about earlier. A bit of this, a bit of that, fit half an hour of this in. Not for me, but is that wrong of me? Can you imagine watching Brazil, and after 15 minutes of beautiful football they took Ronaldinho off and brought on a big centre forward and hoofed it up to him. Then started playing defensively and kicking lumps out of people? What do you pay to watch? Brazil trying to play European, or Brazil playing like Brazil. I want the Northern scene to be Northern. Funk and Modern fine. At a Funk or Modern do. Because I won't pay to attend, and I can remain blissfully ignorant.
  18. Well done in misunderstanding and misquoting everything I have written. I did not say anything was not or was valid, so please don't go on to say I don't have the right to say whats valid!!! In respect to the highlighted comment in bold, when did the music ever evolve the way we wanted it to. The music we picked up on in 68, up the the present day, was already outmoded in the States in 68, so how can I want it to continue when it was already dead in the water? Please, if you are going to try to destroy my point in order to prove yours, get right what I say first. Last point, when the Cats/Torch/Mecca (pre NY Disco)Casino were playing the Northern soul we all danced to and collected, how many on here were going to the clubs in London, or Chris Hills venues to listen to Funk. Not many!!! We were all trying to bloody avoid it! Now we have people who want to listen to funk at a Northern do. How many people at a funk do want to listen to northern? I give up. Funk at a Northern do? Unbelievable!
  19. I rest my bloody case!! The scene WILL die out sooner than we thought with bloody funk on the menu.!
  20. I am seriously starting to think I am on the wrong scene, and the Lunatics are taking over etc! Modern and moderately funky tracks belong in the Modern or Funk room. End of Story! Some of the tracks mentioned were tracks that had developed the way Northern/Motown SHOULD have developed. Keeping that dancing feel and slowly evolving. Thats why some 70ts tracks CAN be called Northern. But modern and funk are not, and never will be Northern soul. However, I can respect others views, but that is the sort of night I would never go to.
  21. A good third of these are from Up All Night 1 and 2. My faves off here would be Silky or Dean. Can't split 'em!
  22. Bit of a racy title, but "Girls with the Big Black Boots" the Paramonts/Paramounts (too early!) was spun around twice at Wigan early 74. This is top class northern. However it was swamped by the sheer amount of new stuff being played. Because it was only played twice, no one remembers it, so it will never be a reactivated oldie. How many of these are out there from the Torch/Mecca/Casino? Hundreds. Can't someone do some research, take some time over it, and do a night, or a spot of this type of record. Not a Dave Evison unusual oldie spot, but a thought out, well promoted spot. Probably get denounced here, but I for one would be there.
  23. I listen to Frank Polk and I am back at Wigan mid 75. Great record!
  24. Musn't Grumble by Gordy Brown and the Parliaments. (Mr Brown is looking for a national motto!)
  25. This is a good point and sums it all up. One man's overplayed oldie, is another persons underplayed oldie. It depends where you live, where you go, your age, where you went in the past and so on. However, underplayed oldies sound far better to me than a new record that honestly just wouldn't have been played 10 -15 -20 etc years ago.

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