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Everything posted by BrianB

  1. Wasn't the instrumental a separate record, i.e not on the B side? Brian B
  2. Pete/Marc, I think that might be the tape you both transferred onto CD for me last year? Pete did it first, then that went missing in the car, and Marc did quite a few transfers for me. If it is, it is from September 74. ATB, Brian B
  3. My all time favourites are All Turned On and Sliced Tomatoes. Detroit magic and the 2 best instrumentals of all time, IMO of course. Brian B
  4. I had it on UK Major Minor.
  5. Is this photo now like the Kennedy election? There are more names than people on the photo! It definitely wasn't the 1st anniversary, because I'm on the photo, spookily enough with my wife, who I had not met at the time, and I missed the 1st anniversary due to a 21st do in Blackpool with my mates from Burnley. I then missed the Wigan coach 'cos we had a not so friendly chat with some footy fans at the back of the car park. Laney will remember which team it was on that occasion, as it was weekly event with the Burnley Crew.
  6. Apart from the odd track, and they were generally brilliant, Stax never did it for me. Agree with most of the others, Motown, RCA, Mirwood, Brunswick, OKEH, MGM and so on. The yellow label point is a good one (apart from UK Stax!). Brian B
  7. Thats 2 references to middle aged t...s. I am one of these, possibly the worst dancer the scene has ever seen, but whats that got to do with you? Probably 60% of people on here are middle aged. If you don't like us being around why go to venues?
  8. All that time and effort spent on this nonsense!
  9. Not many I would have thought. I think the book puts a northerner's perspective on the north/south divide. I liked the fact that a woman in the south has a child with an unlikely posh name, and she lives next to a television producer, but thinks this is the norm. I live next to a retired plumber called Brian, and my other neighbour Ken, worked on the parks department. I was slightly disappointed with the book overall. I felt it was an attempt to be an English Bill Bryson, but a good read nevertheless, and the part about the BBC bias about the north was spot on. Do you watch BBC weather, where there is nothing on the map from Birmingham to Newcastle? There is a Plymouth, Norwich, London, Cardiff, etc, but no Liverpool, Manchester, Leeds, Sheffield. How can this be? But you are right, no mention of northern soul at all.
  10. I am trying to stop making any comments on Soul Source and just be an observer, but this is one of the daftest comments I've seen for a while. Berry Gordy, ignorant of real talent?
  11. Frank did a spot on in B&S about the Cricket Club in 73 or 74. He also did another spot a couple of years later. He also came down a couple more times just to visit, not to write an article. We were all a bit unhappy on the 1st visit, as we kept away from Frank, as was the "no publicity" style then, but people knew he was coming, so a lot of strangers came down. I distinctly remember him talking to Andy Gill, and Andy insisted he spell his name as Andreew!
  12. Hi Frank, You probably mean the Cricket Club? You went down at least once for B&S, if not twice? All the best Brian B
  13. Hi Dave Its on the This is Northern Soul vol 1 that Chris King did of 100% Motown northern a few years ago. It just doesn't sound right to me!
  14. Just a thought, but can we get Saxmans reply onto the front page or All About the Soul in some way. Otherwise a lot of people are going to miss out onthis fascinating reply and information. Saxman....Thanks to you and all your fellow musicians in the States for giving us a lifetime of enjoyment.
  15. Thanks for that. I can't believe I forgot, cos I was actually going with Lorraine for a couple of weeks. I am sure she has a couple of sounds I lent her (or did she lend them to me?) They were great lasses, and attached themselves to the Burnley crowd for some reason. Thanks again, Brian B
  16. I went to the Burnley Cricket Club from around 72 onwards. We also went to the Rose Room Thursdays, Todmorden on Fridays and Sundays, and do's every night of the mid- week in Burnley pubs. Re the fisticuffs with the Burnley crew. I would imagine that was solely due to you coming from Blackburn. We were regularly in Blackburn and Bolton and it always kicked off. I sometimes cringe when I think of some of the nights out we had in Blackburn. Funnily enough.... we always won! Laney, what do you remember of our away trips?
  17. Hi Lou, You only like 2 on these LPs? Are you on the right forum?
  18. I have dug a lot of these out over the last couple of nights, and to be honest, there is a good reason why some of them are not played. One I have been giving some stick recently is Billy Joe Young "I've Got You On my Mind Again" It was a Torch sound, and was re-released in around 73 on Surrey or Sussex (!) Never heard it played out since then.
  19. I see the dissenters are out in force about this as well. The thread was to let you look at some Northern Dancers live on the TV. Whats the problem? If you don't like reading about Duffy/The dancers, why have you read the thread Tricky? I am starting to agree with Paul B, some people on here are living wayyyy too much in the past. (Yes I know we are a retro type scene ) Our scene is going precisely nowhere at the moment. I believe numbers were down at Prestwich on Friday, the Burnley alll nighter is lauded as the place to be, but numbers are down there. Shall we just leave it to die, or do we do something about it. Gemma makes a comment. She is young, and her comments are immediately ridiculed! Need I say more? This scene has deteriorated so much in the last 12 months it is untrue. I think the narrow minded attitude of a lot of people on here will accelerate this decline. I've been on the scene for 38 years and I for one have well had enough of its backbiting. It has always been the same. The music will never die and I will always listen to it every day, as I have done for years. However I cannot think of a venue that excites me at the moment. (I'm too old for Beat Boutique!).
  20. Sorry for the typo. It was in Cologne.
  21. If anyone is interested, 2 Soul Sourcers, plus Jill, Paul Bs fiance were in Golgne last night , live on German TV.
  22. Well said Paul, Jayne, and Brian. Well Paul, everything you said to me before your first do has happened exactly as you said it would. You could have written the replies for the dissenters on here 6 weeks ago. I take my hat off to you for your foresight, and also for all the hard work you, Paul, Liam and Matty have put in to try to keep "our" music going. If you have an open mind, go to Beat Boutique, you might just enjoy it. If you want to sit back and crticise because they played a 60ts beat record or something a bit different, don't go. If you just like a cheap drink you could also go, cos the prices are unbelievable!
  23. My fave all time Motown is I hear a Symphony by Stevie Wonder. Is there any Motown being played at the moment that isn't on a CD/LP/Single. I suppose on the lines of Take Him Back by the Contours, that sort of thing? I have a few unnisued Motown on Cds (be patient Laney, my memory is shite) and a few of the tracks sung by Ivy Joe Hunter are perfect for the scene. I love Where Are You, its brilliant. Anybody know anything about it? Brian B
  24. The video plot thickens. I'm sure Liam will fill us in, but a team of NS dancers, including Liam and Paul W, and others, are dancing with Duffy in Paris for her concert there next weekend. Hope they can video it? Brian B

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