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Everything posted by BrianB

  1. I'm 100 pages in, and it's terrible. I can't believe the writer lives in the Calder Valley. He has no idea about the scene, his description of Scarborough is just cliche driven and he goes far too deep into Bucky Broncos many ailments. The titles of Bucky's recordings are laughable. The only saving grace is that someone bought the book for me. I have no doubt that Benjamin Myers is a talented author, but this book is a poor attempt of describing our scene to a younger generation.
  2. Loving the Stevie Wonder tracks on here. CD only, Motown Sings Motown Treasures, Stevie's version of I Hear Symphony is (to me) quite simply the best record ever made...
  3. Sorry guys, but no reply from Debbie Travis. I'm 95% sure it was her but her business is a big concern and the e mail mustn't have been passed onto her, or of course, its just been ignored.
  4. I have e mailed her and asked if it is indeed her that designed the badge. I bet she will wonder what the hell l am on about!
  5. For some reason I can't search for Debbie Troops on Facebook other than one from Manchester who is too young. There is a Debbie Travis who is a successful designer who was born in Blackburn in 1960. That might be her. She is very successful. I'll try to dig a little more....
  6. Is a cd in the offing?
  7. The night owl badge was designed by Debbie (not sure if it was Travis or maybe Troops) from Read or Simonstone near Burnley. I last saw her on a design tv show around 10 years ago. I think she also designed one of the casino anniversary badges.
  8. Nags Head off Deansgate. Regular soul nights and Sean the landlord is a soulie with some fantastic photos in the upstairs room.
  9. Had the Marvelettes Forever compilation 2 for years and hardly played it. Put it on a few weeks ago for the commute and have been totally blown away by the sheer quality of it.
  10. Did she reply Chalky?
  11. I hear a symphony by Stevie is quite simply the best record ever made. Err...so I would choose that one....
  12. It's So Hard Being a Loser. Classic Wheel spin.
  13. I saw this and to be honest I was ambivalent. Maybe could improve with some coaching, but its all about opinions and I'm not the best talent spotter!
  14. I bet 7 rooms of gloom sounds brilliant at a venue.
  15. Slightly off topic, but the Isley Brothers this old heart of mine was allocated to the 4 tops. They couldn't make the session so the Isleys stood in. I would give a lot to have heard the Tops sing that using the same backing track.
  16. Can't Help Myself the Tops. Awesome.
  17. I put around 20 singles on the jukebox in the Broadswords in Burnley in 1974. Made George the landlord a fortune. Ben Aitken , Frank Beverly, Barbara Mills , Ed Crook, Baby Don't You Weep and so on. He never bought me a pint for them and I spent a lot of money playing my own records!
  18. The samples play if you have a Microsoft account. Seems like a mixed bag on first hearing, but hopefully Ace may get involved and we might see a release on CD?
  19. Again a classic Troller's response. I quote loads of examples and you try to dissect them, thus prolonging the thread. I'm all for debate but not with you.
  20. I have read all of Majy's replies and he has contradicted himself time after time to make his response defeat the reply. I regularly read my local team's Internet forum, and there are loads of trolls on there whose sole purpose is to wind every body up. This is a poor attempt at a wind up, and I for one am getting fed up of it. To be fair, there has been some really good responses from true soulies , that shows their passion and loyalty to our scene. Move on now Majy , there's a good lad...
  21. I see that you list one of your hobbies as fishing. Quite apt.
  22. BrianB


    I was still going when it started opening at 12 , but we used to go on the beer in Burnley and catch our weekly minibus from L and T taxis , so I suppose we were lucky to miss the Wigan yobs. Mind you , they were probably the lucky ones looking at some of the guys that got in that minibus from Burnley!
  23. BrianB


    Don't forget that the pubsshut at 11pm in those days and the casino didn't open until 2am , so not many had a pint in Wigan before going to the casino.
  24. Don't know how popular Tick Tock is....but I have never heard it before. Where and when was it first played?
  25. Wow. Reading that took me back to my studies in the 90ts for my HR degree! I really like the comparison drawn to an almost religious experience. Possession whilst dancing, clubs as shrines, records as relics, travelling to clubs as a pilgrimage. I also liked the reference to the north sticking with rare soul, when the south was fickle and liked to change musical trends. An excellent read, if as said, a bit heavy in places, but very accurate, which hasn't always been the case on our scene.

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