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Posts posted by Epic

  1. Yes, IAN was right about that prediction but I think once it gets to records/playlists, your theory becomes a little 'skewed' as regards these people and their attendance at 'Northern Soul' nights...

    If we are talking about real 'handbaggers' here, even the Top 500 records are virtually 'unknowns' to a majority of these type of people...I know that for a fact having deliberately engaged with some of them at oldies do's and even with some I went to school with and who have suddenly started turning up at odd things now...

    Best example was when we went to THE BLUE LAGOON in Pompey a couple of years ago...When I complained about the stale playlist on Facebook the next day, 'I wanna love you tomorrow' etc, etc...MARTIN JACKSON (Lovely bloke) came on and said 'Yes, but Rich you have to realise, that for a fair few people we're getting in now, things like Benny Troy are new records!'... :hatsoff2:

    Problem is there are more venues that cater for "these type of people" (what a horrible phrase that is !!!). There are plenty of gigs like this every week less than 5 miles from everyone's house all claiming that they don't play the "same old" when in reality they do !!!

    I have co promoted a modern soul night on The Fylde Coast for just over 7 years - we play modern underground soulful dance music - the same ethos as got me into the music nearly 40 years ago. It may not be the music of everybody's taste on Soul Source but it's vibrant & progressive - all the things the Northern scene could & should be !!!

    • Helpful 1
  2. Over from Oz earlier this month and decided to go to the much closer Blackpool Wintergardens allnighter instead of my preferred venue the Rugby Allnighter (due to the shite weather).

    First impression - fantastic venue and dancefloor and, how refreshing, there's a couple of cameras over each deck to demonstrate the OVO policy. Great opening set by Richard Searling, although no surprises whatsoever, then on comes Colin Curtis. Leaving it a bit late to cue up I thought but then realised he was pressing buttons on a CD deck - and proceeded to do a full 90 minute Mecca set from CDs!

    So what's the crack, has he sold up? And how come he still gets invited to DJ? Is this common at these "handbag" type of venues? If anybody other than me gave a shit, they certainly weren't showing it.


    Too busy enjoying themselves - people have commented onf/b how much they liked Colin's set.

  3. Problem is that something that was "underground" 35 years ago has become very much "mainstream". Ian Levine predicted in 1975 that the scene would end up like this with the same music being played & middle aged people dressing as they did back then - he wasn't far wrong !!!.

    The word "handbagger" (hate the word !!!) is on at least 2 threads on this forum & it is all over facebook - yet many people deny that they have them at their gig - simple fact is if you put a "Northern Soul" night on that is the type of people you attract.

    What happened to the days of going out to hear newly discovered tunes - that was my REASON for going to them in the first place !!!

    There are pockets of people still trying to play "rare soul" & they are the venues that should be patronised & encouraged.

    • Helpful 2
  4. First one Northern...............second one lounge music/airy fairy............a ballad...........does anyone ever dance to something that slow. Hats off to anyone who can!!! :sleep3:

    :wave: Hi Carol....yes me :thumbsup::lol:

    Used to fill the floor at The Orwell & similar such events !!!

  5. Both are same singer but not sure they are same song ??

    First one is 60's and uses same backing as Larry Laster-go for yourself ....and Ike and Tina -somebody somewhere

    2nd one is 70's and is actually called "Lighten up" .. not "lighten up baby"

    But great examples of "northern " and " cross-over" :thumbup:

    Same lyrics !!!

  6. Hi Lorraine.

    Great that you are on here & it is a pleasure to be able to talk to you.

    The fantastic "You Only Live Twice" which you recorded how close was it to be coming the theme to the Bond movie of the same title ? Also the tune "After You Give Your All" on Prodigal we all assumed the lead vocals were by you - what is the story with that as the lead singers sounds so much like you.

  7. 1380 folk have had a peep at this thread and only a few have declaired thier favorite Levine number come on you little monkey's let's have your fave levine number.there is a genuine reason which I will reveal at the end regards Simon.

    Does the most popular one become the new theme tune to Dr Who ?

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